Overview of Session Quality Hotel Gateway, 16 Fenton St, Devonport 5.30pm Board member: Merran Kelsall & Ric De Santi Registered: 9 Attended: 7 Divisional Council: Opened by: Sue Shoobridge Topics Discussed Process to appoint the Board, including hybrid models of direct election Director terms Director remuneration The size of the Board Representation of Tasmania on the Board Representation, member engagement, terms and increased support for Divisional and Branch Councils Development of the Issues Paper Development of the new corporate strategy Potential for legal resource against the former CEO and directors CPA Australia Advice CPA Australia’s advocacy and Centres of Excellence 2018 Annual General Meeting Member feeling resulting from the 2017 media coverage
Summary of discussion CPA members asked over 60 questions of the Board members in attendance, Merran Kelsall and Ric De Santi. Members also addressed each others’ concerns and questions. The main topics discussed at the session were: The past and proposed future processes for board appointments. The discussion covered: The desire of members to have a greater voice in the appointment of Directors and alternative models of direct member election The most appropriate number of Director positions, the value of a larger or smaller board and potential cost efficiencies of the latter Processes to ensure that Director terms are reviewed in the future Transparency of Director selection criteria, presence of non-members on the Board and ensuring integrity of selection Role of the Deputy President to positively challenge the view of the President and how the role would be appointed Cost of Board appointments, and the concern that the number of councils and committees increased cost and complexity The role and responsibilities of the Board and the expected meeting frequency The current Director terms, and if this is suitable for the organisation. The benchmarking process to determine the new Director remuneration, the size and objectives of the aggregate remuneration pool for the Board and how remuneration differs from 2017 The role of the Divisional and Branch Councils to represent and elevate members voice to CPA Australia, particularly those in the regions of Tasmania. In order to do this, additional support is required for Divisional and Branch Councils. There is a perceived lack of member engagement with Division Councils, and this creates risks for CPA Australia The discussion also covered: Development of the Issues Paper, and how the Board came to the recommendations outlined in the paper Issues paper transparency and response of members The process by which members have been consulted on the development of a new corporate strategy, and the selection of focus group participants for input into the strategy Potential for legal resource against the former CEO and directors The upcoming review of CPA Australia Advice CPA Australia’s advocacy and Centres of Excellence – there is a perceived lack of input into industry or national policy issues and the work undertaken by the Centres of Excellence in this field The location of the 2018 Annual General Meeting, and the use of electronic voting to raise voter turnout The embarrassment of many members in Tasmania given the negative publicity of CPA Australia in 2017 The total number of members in Tasmania