Managing Change Executives face difficult decisions about change every day Negative Aspects of Change Risky change Delivering bad news Realistic previews Message sidedness Responses to bad news Consider one and two-sided approaches to delivering the message to employees Carrying the message is not always a bad things Consider implications of messages before delivering
Managing Change Changes are necessary to make to adapt to environments Recommendations when faced with an organization change: Don’t burn your bridges Don’t become selft-destructive Don’t turn into the complainer Maintain your self esteem Maintain working relationships Gerber's Ten Rungs of the Career Ladder Add value to your position Let others know what you want to do Ask others for their support Develop a strategy for success Learn new skills Make yourself indispensable Don’t underestimate the competition Keep on networking Enhance your personal image Embrace change
Exercise Seeing it differently Purpose - To have the group realize that change can come in different forms and feel differently. Directions - Tell the team members to cross their arms and focus in on the instructor. Next, have the students cross their arms the opposite way and hold the position. After the group has performed the task, ask them to unfold their arms. "What changed? You did the same thing, what was different about the way I asked you to fold your arms?" Change Map Purpose - An easy introduction into change to demonstrate change frustration; leading to future discussion Directions - Ask the class to take out a piece of paper and pen. Tell them this exercise will be graded (little lie). Begin by drawing a map from their home to the nearest gas station. Have them label "home" and "station" on the paper. After they have drawn the map, ask them to start over and draw a map from their parents home to the nearest hospital. As a few more minutes go by, ask them the draw a map of their route from Raleigh to Charlotte. For the last part, ask them to draw the floor plan of their home. As tasks add up and change is presented, the group becomes frustrated to the changes the instructor is presenting. This illustrates the changing minds of management and frustration among others. Begin discussion and ask about feelings, why changes were made, and what was consistent with each drawing made.