Pectoralis Major Seq FOV Slice TR TE ETL Misc 4/1 Min 12 3-5 Matrix Ax T1 Unilateral 24-32 256x256 4/1 500 Min ZIP 512 *Ax T2FS Unilateral 3-5000 60-70 12 *Obl cor T2FS 256x192 *Obl sag T2FS Ax T1 Bilateral Big enough to cover both sides. 320x224 450-800 <20 3-5 BW 31kHz *If poor fat sat switch to STIR
Pec Major-Considerations Usual indication is tear Pec major tears either at insertion on humerus or medial at myotendinous junction Coronal and sagittal images need to be aligned relative to the course of the pec muscle May need to flip phase and frequency in order to limit motion artifact through area of interest Can scan in prone position to limit respiratory motion
Pec Major-Images Axial images should extend from the top of the humeral head through mid diaphysis of humerus FOV should extend medially to the sternum Coronal plane prescribed by line connecting anterior humeral cortex with anterior cortex of sternum Sagittal plane perpendicular from sternum to lateral aspect humerus