Digital Culture and Practices Ali,Sara,Alireza
How the online actions effects both online and offline interactions How the online actions effects both online and offline interactions? How identity is constructed in terms of every day performance?
co-construction of on-/offline identity/self based on Facebook platform
On-line Social Media Facebook
Why YouTube? Why facebook ?
Movie The power of online interpersonal relationship construction Identity construction in social media communities Reliability and authenticity in online media Heterosexual relationships
Key terms: Public vs. private sphere Digital peer panoptican (citizen journalism) Authenticity Every day performance Digital acceptable self presentation
Readings: Carstensen Tanja.”Gender Trouble in web 2.0: Gender Relation in Social Network Sites, Wikis and Weblogs.” International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology(2009).Web. Miller Hugh, Arnold Jill.”Self in Web Home Pages: Gender , Identity and Power in Cyberspace.” Towards CyberPsychology: Mind, Cognitions and Society in the Internet Age(2001).Web. Bruns, Axel. "Folksonomies:produsage And/of Knoledge Structure." Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond: from Production to Produsage. New York: Peter Lang, 2008. Print.