PSD Reform Recommendations PSD Reform Initiative Workgroup WESTAR Spring 2005 Business Meeting
Project Goals To recommend changes to the PSD program that will: manage and protect increments and AQRVs as resources eliminate disincentives discouraging states from addressing cumulative impacts on Class I and Class II areas
Participants 47 representatives from states, FLM agencies, and EPA participated in the initiative Facilitation provided through a contract with Ross & Associates beginning mid-2004
Key Process Steps Existing framework/new framework First , address existing framework Scope of work for “New framework” recommendations to be discussed next Clarify consultation role of EPA Designated representative from each agency
Results Consensus on 14 recommendations To improve program’s effectiveness to manage increments and AQRVs To eliminate disincentives to conduct cumulative assessments
Next Steps Executive Session Discussion Endorse recommendations or direct workgroup to address remaining issues Consider delivering recommendations: Directly to EPA To STAPPA for concurrence before delivering to EPA Other options