Mentee Ibrahim Khadar Saed Head of Parole Unit at MOJ LLB, Candidate of Peace and Conflict Studies at IPCS (UOH) Research Topic Somaliland Judicial Reform: Assessment: Minitry of Justice’s Training Program of Law Graduate into Judiciary Sector High-quality Research Support (HQRS) Programme Mentorship Phase
Research Question, Methodology and Findings How Successful has the Ministry of Justice’s Training Program of Law Graduate into Judiciary Sector be? Methodology The research employed Qualitative approach, and the main sources of data for this study consisted of primary and secondary sources. Secondary sources refer to reports, online searches, books and other relevant academic articles. Primary data included twelve semi-structured interviews which were conducted from 4 batches in the Ministry of Justice’s law graduate training program (three respondents from each batch would be interviewed). Findings The interviewees of all batches who were trained in 2012-2016 agreed that the training was fruitful, but they missing important aspects such cybercrimes trial, judgment writing, legal drafting, documentation and evidence based system trainings.