Welcome! EDU 224: Foundations of Teaching and Learning Please complete an information sheet. Have students complete information sheet.
Course Introduction Who are you? Who is the course instructor? What are our class norms? What’s on the EDU 224 syllabus? Where do I find class content and assignments?
Jennifer Morrison 704.996.0933 cell jennifer.morrison @newberry.edu McClurg 202 www.artofeducating.com artofeducating.wordpress. com Have students introduce themselves. Introduce yourself in an interesting manner. Give students your contact information and preferred method(s) of contact. Be sure to share your office hours and availability.
Dr. Tom Crump 803.206.0910 cell tomwcrump@att.net Have students introduce themselves. Introduce yourself in an interesting manner. Give students your contact information and preferred method(s) of contact. Be sure to share your office hours and availability.
Class Norms Start/End on time. Turn phones off or to vibrate. Use computers for the purposes of the class. Keep conversations focused. Uphold Dispositions for Teaching. Come to class prepared with readings, textbook, and computer.
Review of EDU 224 Syllabus Required materials Course requirements Grading Expectations Policies Course outline Give students a copy of the syllabus. Go over it thoroughly and answer all questions.
Start of Semester Data Have students complete class pre-survey.
Email of Introduction Go over assignment sheet.
Class Wiki http://edu224fall2010.pbworks.com