Potential indicators for fish and fisheries EMMA workshop 2 on "Requirements and data needs to develop assessments of marine ecological processes and biological elements". November 2006. Henrik Sparholt ICES’ Fisheries Scientist
~95% (in weight) of total landings (10 mill t) in Northeast Atlantic
Norwegian spring-spawning herring Fishing mortality for age 2-13) Fpa Spawning Stock Biomass Bpa Blim
Conservation limits: how is Blim obtained? Impaired recruitment ?? Blim
Segmented regression analysis
Assessment process/framework
Towards target F for future catch allowance (catch quota) The figure represents the decision rule regarding fishing mortality. F ( F ) pa F t B ( B ) B SSB lim pa trig
NS cod – target F evaluation
No similar close international monitoring and assessment of fishing capacity: lists for each country of number of vessels by type and size Eurostat EEA
Normative basis for ICES advice (stipulated in international agreements) Precautionary Approach Marine management shall be based on ecosystem approach Fish stocks shall be maintained or restored to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield
Common Fisheries Policy CFP 1982, 1992, 2002, … ensure exploitation … that provides sustainable economic, environmental and social conditions. … precautionary approach … to minimise the impact of fishing activities on marine eco-systems. … progressive implementation of an eco-system-based approach to fisheries management. … economically viable and competitive fisheries … fair standard of living for those who depend on fishing activities interests of consumers MOU between EC and ICES
Changing emphasis on management tools More use of Closed areas Effort control Less use of Gear regulations
Ecosystem consideration The ecosystem approach means that we are also taking these creatures into account, incidental by catches and keep enough small fish in the sea for food for seabirds
Bergen Declaration, North Sea
Example: 2007 advice North Sea; Mixed fisheries an issue Minimal bycatch or discards of cod With minimum by-catch of spurdog, porbeagle, thornback ray and skate. With minimal catch of North Sea mackerel, respecting the closed season; Without fishing for Norway pout or sandeel except if the fisheries are reopened on basis of information that they will rebuild to Bpa; Within the single-stock exploitation limits for all other stocks .
Closed areas for sandeel fishing in seabirds feeding areas (North Sea) Examples of: Ecosystem effects of fishing influencing single stock advice Closed areas for sandeel fishing in seabirds feeding areas (North Sea) Ban on drift nets in the Baltic to protect small whales Closed areas to protect deep sea corrals Ban on using explosives in fishing
Environment effects on fish The environment has important impact on the reproduction, growth and mortality in fish stocks Under adverse environmental conditions the reproductive capacity of the stock may be reduced Environmental conditions will determine the area of occurence It is important that environmental impact is not aggravated by fishery Under adverse environmental conditions important that the reproductive capacity is maintained
Indicators suggested Spawning Stock Biomass, F (Fishing mortality), CPUE index, Blim, Bpa, Btarget, BMSY F (Fishing mortality), Flim, Fpa, Ftarget, FMSY Harbour porpoise by-catch level in % of population Seal population decrease over a decade in % of population Kitiwake offspring production in numbers per nest Nothing for benthos or biodiversity yet!! CPUE: catch per unit effort (e.g. catch/hour trawling) MSY: Maximum sustainable yield
State of development Revisions of Blim and Flim Development of more B and F targets and MSY Out-phasing Bpa and Fpa F and B only for very few by-catch species Fleet capacity? Benthos? Diversity?
Data needs – fish and fleets only National research institutes and ministries ICES expert groups Review Groups ACFM All landings recorded by species, area and vessel -- sales slips Subsampling for age and size compositions Research vessel surveys (acoustic, trawl, egg and larvae) Logbooks data on catch per unit effort (all landings sampled) Basic data collection ~ 50 million € annually (~ 0.8% of value of catch)
Data comparability Mostly high comparability for fish Uncertain for other ecosystem elements
Problems Segmented regression S-R notoriously difficult Multispecies interactions Misreporting a problem Climate changes Mixed fisheries Other environmental factors and effects Non-target fish - especially vulnerable fish like some rays, skates and sharks, harbour porpoise. Non-target benthos – not well understood Biodiversity Deepwater species Eel
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