Upper Extremity – Bones, Joints and Movement Quiz 10 – part C Myology COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems movement usually requires a lever system – three types: 1. 2. 3. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems do muscles push, pull, or push and pull? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems so which lever is most common in the body? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement requirements for movement: 1. how do we stretch muscles? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement 2. 3. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems muscle bone will it move? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems will it move? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Myology – lever systems will it move? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement does the diarthrosis have to involve living bones? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement tractor with front loader: tractor weighs 10,000 pounds rock weighs 100 pounds front scoop can lift 20,000 pounds what moves? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement same tractor: try to lift school what moves? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement muscles can be named for their relationship to other muscles: muscles with opposite actions – flexor of a joint is an antagonist to an extensor of that joint – e.g. brachialis and biceps brachii are antagonists to the triceps brachii COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement a muscle that provides most of the force is the prime mover (agonist) for that joint – e.g. deltoid COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement a muscle that aids a prime mover in a motion or prevents undesired motions by preventing movement of an intermediate joint is a synergist – e.g. the anconeus is a synergist of the triceps brachii in extension of the elbow (forearm) COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement a muscle that stabilizes one or more bones so that it (they) can act as a platform for other motion is a fixator e.g. the trapezius stabilizes the clavicle and scapula so that muscles from those bones can move the arm COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement a muscle that can be used to prevent an undesired motion of another muscle is a neutralizer – e.g. the pronator teres is a neutralizer for the biceps brachii – it allows flexion of the elbow but cancels out supination COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement if muscles contract but there is no movement? if muscles contract and there is movement? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement when we move, what kind of contraction? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement what if we have a muscle that crosses two joints – which one moves? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement what movement? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement what movement? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement what movement? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement what movement? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement what movement? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement what movement? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement what movement? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement when we do a pushup from the ground what muscle is causing extension of the elbow (forearm)? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement when we do a pushup letting ourselves to the ground what muscle is active? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement four functions of muscles: 1. 2. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement 3. 4. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement what muscle characteristic allows muscles to do those things? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Myology – movement part C of quiz 10 – myology, joints and movement, and bones of the upper limb, their girdle, landmarks, and joints COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED