Texas Regional Collaboratives for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching Grant Year 2013-2014
6th Grade Math 8th Grade Science Physics Focused Algebra Physics
Teacher Mentor TM Cadre Member CM Receive 100 Hours of PD during the grant cycle Attend 40-hour summer institute in 2013 Receive resources aligned to PD Cadre Member CM Receive 12 hours of mentoring/training from their TM Attend 12 hours of content based PD through ESC Region 13
District Campus 1 Teacher Mentor Cadre Members Campus 2 All Targeted Grade Level/Course Teachers All Targeted Grade Level/Course Teachers
Benefits to School Free PD at ESC 13 Some substitute fees paid for TMs Free instructional materials tied to professional development Amt to be determined, likely 6
School/District Responsibilities Recruit TMs and CMs Assist TM with CM mentoring/training Provide “difference” if substitute costs are more than allotted by TRC. Assist with Data Collection Allow TMs and CMs to attend PD as needed
Benefits to Teacher Mentors PD that is research based and TEKS aligned Leadership experience Network of fellow teachers iPad
Teacher Mentor Responsibilities Attend 100 hours of PD Mentor/train CMs for a minimum of 12 hours per CM Attend summer institute in 2013 Take Pre-test (Spring 2013) and Post-test (Summer 2014) over teacher content knowledge and efficacy Provide STAAR data as required
Timeline February 1, 2013 -District and campus applications (including district letter of support) due Spring-Identify TMs; Create PD plan May 1, 2013-Grant begins May 2013 -Kickoff Meeting, Pre-tests, Commitment Letters from TMs and Principals Summer – Summer institute – minimum 40 hours of PD May 2014- STAAR data, Post-test due July 31, 2014 – All grant activities completed
Application Process Visit www.esc13.net/ctrc/announcements-ctrc/ Complete district application Complete one campus application for each interested campus Submit applications with district letter of support DUE: February 1, 2013 by 4:00 PM