Neil Armstrong by: carter bodak
childhood Neil Armstrong was born on August 5, 1930 in Ohio. He took his first plane ride at the age of 6. He took flying lessons when he was 14 and got his Pilots license when he was 16. Neil was a fighter pilot in the Korean War. In 1955, Neil graduated from Purdue University.
Middle years In 1962, he became an astronaut for NASA. 1966, he flew his first mission into space. On July16, 1969, he launched into space on Apollo 11. Neil received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Later years 1971, he retired from NASA. After he retired, he became a engineering teacher for the University of Cincinnati. He died in 2012 at the age of 82, August 25 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Interesting facts Neil`s visit lasted for 157 min. He was the first person on the moon. Neil`s quote was “ One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.