Force and motion Tuesday/Wednesday, March 5/6
Warm-Up Write down two truths and one lie about Newton’s three laws of force and motion in your journal. When I give the command, share with your partner and compare ideas. I will write common statements up on the board and allow you to challenge if a truth is really a truth and lie is really a lie.
Agenda Warm-Up Turn in to the assignment box at the back: “How Fast am I?” worksheet (data we collected running outside) Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration handout from marble lab last week Turn in to me at the innovation station: The worksheet that you copied notes on from a Powerpoint last week. Says “What is motion?” at the top Science Stations! Exit Ticket
Science stations 7 stations set up around the room that are numbered One copy of laminated directions at each station that you MUST READ before beginning the activity One worksheet packet that are responsible to complete IN YOUR OWN WORDS, NO COPYING OR YOU GET A ZERO!!! Turn in your packet at the end of class whether or not you completed every station Groups of 4 people, 10 minutes per group at each station then we rotate YOU MAY ONLY CHOOSE YOUR GROUP IF YOU EARNED THE PRIVELAGE LAST CLASS
Exit ticket Draw a vertical line down the center of your sticky note On the left, write two things you enjoyed about the stations today On the right, write two things that you think could be improved about the stations