Education and Knowledge Dissemination Nordic Countries 21.9.2003 IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen
IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen Finland Tampere University of Technology Helsinki University of Technology Turku Polytechnic 21.9.2003 IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen
Tampere University of Technology Foundation Engineering Structures 4 w Micropiles: <½ w Underpinning (voluntary) 3 w Micropiles: 1 w Special Assignment on Geotechnics (voluntary) 2…5 w Seminar in Geotechnics (voluntary) Master of Science thesis (voluntary) 20 w 21.9.2003 IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen
Helsinki University of Technology Foundation Engineering Structures 4 w Micropiles: <½ w Special Course on Geotehcnics (voluntary) Micropiles: ½ w Special Assignment on Geotechnics (voluntary) 2…4 w Seminar in Geotechnics (voluntary) 2 w Master of Science thesis (voluntary) 20 w 21.9.2003 IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen
IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen Turku Polytechnic Geotechnics 2 w Micropiles: <½ w Design of renovation, basics Renovation works (voluntary) Design of renovation, Part II (voluntary) Micropile:s <½ w Project Study (voluntary) 3…4 w Bachelor of Science thesis 10 w 21.9.2003 IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) Geosciences, Part I 5 w Micropiles: 0 w Master of Science thesis 21.9.2003 IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen
Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) Geotehcnical Engineering, Continuation Course 6 w Micropiles: <½ w Master of Science thesis 21.9.2003 IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen
NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Geotechnical Courses Micropiles: 0 w (?) Master of Science thesis 21.9.2003 IWM 2003 Seattle Jouko Lehtonen