PS East Area operation… 12/9/2018 PS East Area operation… …or the PS travel agency
Menu (TVA 19.6% included) Where is East ? Our responsibility 12/9/2018 Menu (TVA 19.6% included) Where is East ? Our responsibility Destinations How to reach the targets? Triple ppm and OB-names External conditions Beam lines setting-up Adjust the beam T7 secondary/irradiations OP display Acknowledgments 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
12/9/2018 Where is what? EAST HALL 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Our responsibility Target ZT7.MTV03 NORTH AREA: target F61N.MTV02 12/9/2018 Our responsibility NORTH AREA: target F61N.MTV02 T8 AREA: Target ZT8.MTV02 T7 AREA: ZT7.MTV01 (sec.) Target ZT7.MTV03 IRRAD T7 AREA: F61S.BHZ02 (irrad.) TO T7 SEC 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Destinations Only to North Only to South 12/9/2018 Destinations Only to North N Only to South T7 T8 Shared between North and South NT7 (secondary/irradiation) NT8 (not used for DIRAC) . 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
How to reach the targets?? 12/9/2018 How to reach the targets?? NO FIELD USE F61.SMH01 SPLITTER!!! FIELD NO FIELD 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
How to reach the targets?? 12/9/2018 How to reach the targets?? 100% NORTH N 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Beam is not deflected and goes to the North branch 12/9/2018 How to reach the targets?? 100% North N Beam is not deflected and goes to the North branch 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
How to reach the targets?? 12/9/2018 How to reach the targets?? 100% SOUTH T7 secondary T8 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Whole beam is deflected to the South branch 12/9/2018 How to reach the targets?? 100% South T7 secondary, T8 Whole beam is deflected to the South branch 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
How to reach the targets?? 12/9/2018 How to reach the targets?? T7 secondary shared with T9, T10 and T11 (NT7) 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
How to reach the targets?? 12/9/2018 How to reach the targets?? 50% South 50% North NT7 secondary Fair enough: 50-50! 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
How to reach the targets?? 12/9/2018 How to reach the targets?? T7 irradiation shared with T9, T10 and T1 (NT7) T8 shared with T9, T10 and T11 (NT8) (not used) 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Lower and upper parts are recombined and sent to North 12/9/2018 How to reach the targets?? 35% North 65% South NT7 (irradiation) Center part goes to T7 Lower and upper parts are recombined and sent to North 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
How to reach the targets?? 12/9/2018 How to reach the targets?? N T7, T8 NT7 secondary NT7 irradiations Various settings are needed!!! 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
OB-NAMES XXX.DHZ02YY Suffix triple PPM Equipment name Beam Line prefix 12/9/2018 OB-NAMES XXX.DHZ02YY Suffix triple PPM Equipment name Beam Line prefix 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Triple PPM ppm: 1 value per user 12/9/2018 Triple PPM ppm: 1 value per user Triple ppm: 3 possible values per user: depends also on DESTINATION!!! EASTC F61.DHZ01NS 10Amp F61.DHZ01S 1Amp F61.DHZ01M 0Amp One table for each user NT7 or NT8 POWER SUPPLY T7 or T8 N EASTC EASTB EASTB F61.DHZ01NS 8Amp F61.DHZ01S 2Amp F61.DHZ01M 0Amp One table for each user NT7 or NT8 POWER SUPPLY T7 or T8 N 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Triple PPM (suffixes w.r.t destination) 12/9/2018 Triple PPM (suffixes w.r.t destination) USER DEST. F61 F61N F61S EASTB T8 S not relevant (M) M NT8 (not used) NS NS8 EASTC N T7 NT7 (sec/irr) NS7 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
12/9/2018 External conditions All beam requests and inhibits are treated as external conditions REQUESTS R_P.EASTA R_P.EASTB R_P.EASTC R_P.EAST_N R_P.EAST_T8 R_P.EAST_T7 INHIBITS I_P.EAST_N I_P.EAST_T8 I_P.EAST_T7 Software Requests if destination is PS Physicists requests: Hardware in the physicists barracks Can be overwritten by software Control room inhibits (hardware) 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
External conditions I_P.EAST_T7 >= I_P.EAST_T8 & & & & & 12/9/2018 External conditions If destination is N R_P.EAST_N I_P.EAST_N & Beam executes If destination is NT7 If destination is T7 R_P.EAST_N I_P.EAST_N & R_P.EAST_T7 I_P.EAST_T7 Beam executes BUT destination CALCULATED!!!! & Beam executes >= R_P.EAST_T7 I_P.EAST_T7 & & Beam executes If destination is T8 R_P.EAST_T8 I_P.EAST_T8 XXX = Hardware request that can be overwritten XXX = Hardware inhibit form CCC 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Calculated destination 12/9/2018 External conditions (NT7 calculated) Calculated destination R_P.EAST_N R_P.EAST_T7 North gets T7 gets - T7 1 N NT7 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Beam lines setting-up Look on the EAST AREA web page: 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Beam lines setting-up Which elements do the heavy job? The bendings. 12/9/2018 Beam lines setting-up Which elements do the heavy job? The bendings. In the common line (F61): BHZ01 and BHZ02 (Beam to dump elements) The north area (F61N): BVT01 The south area (F61S): BHZ01 BHZ02 (limited triple PPM) The T8 area (DIRAC): BHZ02 (both triple ppm) The T7 area: BHZ01 (triple ppm) The small corrections are done with triple PPM elements 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Adjust the beam F61.MTV01 (first screen in the East Area) Steering 12/9/2018 Adjust the beam F61.MTV01 (first screen in the East Area) Steering PE.SMH61, PESMH57 (check BLMs 57, 61, 63) Horizontal size QFO01 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Adjust the beam Splitter: screens MTV02 and MTV03 12/9/2018 Adjust the beam Splitter: screens MTV02 and MTV03 Horizontal ejection error DHZ.01 Vertical size on splitter QDE02 Vertical position on splitter DVT01, DVT02 Focalization on splitter QFO03, QDE04 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Adjust the beam F61N.MTV02 (target) Horizontal size Vertical size 12/9/2018 Adjust the beam F61N.MTV02 (target) Horizontal size QDE01 Vertical size QFO2 Horizontal position DHZ01 =>compensation of sweep due to energy spread in beam (controlled with GSDHZ01) Vertical position DVT01 ZT7.MTV01 (target) QFO01 QDE02 Horizontal position and sweep DHZ01 (GFA) 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
T7 Secondary/Irradiations 12/9/2018 T7 Secondary/Irradiations Why don’t we EVER use T7 for irradiation? Sweep T7 NON HOMOGENEOUS Splitter knives Sweep NT7 HOMOGENEOUS 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
T7 irradiations: sweeping 12/9/2018 T7 irradiations: sweeping Sweeping is done with F61S.GSDHZ01 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
T7 secondary F61S.GSDHZ01 Compensation of natural momentum spread 12/9/2018 T7 secondary F61S.GSDHZ01 Compensation of natural momentum spread in order to maintain the beam on the (tiny) target . 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
12/9/2018 OP display (EASTC) . 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
12/9/2018 OP display (EASTB) . 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux
Acknowledgments Ronaldus who made the first course 12/9/2018 Acknowledgments Ronaldus who made the first course Frank and Denis who helped me to prepare Bernard who replaces me on shift Rende who explained me everything Lambil/Cauvin for the drawings coming from “Les Tuniques Bleues” Rende who will now answer your questions :o) 12/9/2018 Marc Delrieux