Faye Dunnakey Gavin Whyte Developing departmental practice and culture to improve teachers’ confidence when addressing the reasoning component of the new secondary maths curriculum Faye Dunnakey Gavin Whyte
Programme 11:30 – 12:00 Arrival and coffee 12:00 – 13:15 Feedback on gap task 2 13:15 – 14:00 Always a multiple? 14:00 – 14:30 Refreshments 14:30 – 15:00 Working in your department 15:00 – 15:30 Work Group Schools Report 15:30 – 16:00 Plenary & Evaluation RW
Session 1: Reflecting on gap task 2… “Does regular use of a chosen structured activity impact on students’ articulation of their mathematical reasoning?”
Research Question 3 “How does comparing and discussing others’ proofs to a problem develop a student’s own ability to reason?” RW
Extract from NRICH article by Malcolm Swan: - Improving Reasoning: Analysing Different Approaches …how often do we let pupils see us reasoning? One final challenge then! Choose a problem from the NRICH website that you have never seen before. Try to tackle it with a class, thinking aloud. Try different approaches. Ask the class to help with ideas when you get stuck. Go down blind alleys. If you get nowhere, then park the problem overnight and return to it later. If students are to learn what thinking like a mathematician is like, let them hear your thinking!
Session 2: Always a multiple? Comparing different proofs Videos - always a multiple
Further problems…. Choose 1 or 2 of these to explore Take any two-digit number. Reverse the digits, and subtract your answer from your original number. What do you notice? 2)Take any two-digit number. Add its digits, and subtract your answer from your original number. What do you notice? 3) Take any five-digit number. Reverse the digits, and subtract your answer from your original number. What do you notice?
Discussion Do you do this sort of task already? What skills might this problem develop in pupils? In what way does this task differ to reasoning activities in previous workshops? How might your department use the NRICH resources to support this type of learning? What support would you need? Do we need videos?
Session 3: Working in your department Lesson Study Spend 5 mins discussing how you could collect evidence for the research question. “How does comparing and discussing others’ proofs to a problem develop a student’s own ability to reason?”
Session 3: Working in your department Introducing the tasks more widely You will need to think about how you introduce the tasks you have chosen to your department. Remember your schools have signed up to this project so can you get time to plan for these activities?
Session 3: Working in your department Time to plan We now have time for you to plan your Department PD session Lessons/Tasks Lesson Study
Session 4: Work Group Schools Report The final session is on: Monday 27th June 12 – 4pm You will be asked to complete the NCP4 KS3 Reasoning Workgroup Schools Report You don’t need to complete this now but do look at the form and begin to think about your responses.
Session 5: Evaluation & Questions Please complete your evaluation forms. Any questions?
Useful links Always a multiple (and further problems) http://nrich.maths.org/7208 Mind reader http://www.flashlightcreative.net/swf/mindreader/ Multiplicative reasoning https://www.ncetm.org.uk/resources/48755 Educreations (quick way to make videos on ipad) https://www.educreations.com/ Mr Barton’s Rich tasks – low barrier, high ceiling’ http://www.mrbartonmaths.com/richtasks.htm#tasks