Lesson 4: Tone and Mood (cont): The Night the Ghost Got In 9/14/2017
Learning Objective To analyze how authors create a tone or mood for the story. To answer a response question using the command term Outline. 2
Find the tone and mood in this passage The Phelps place was an old, abandoned property with a monstrous, decrepit Victorian house that was supposed to be haunted. It should have been a good resting place for the local deer hunters, but they would not go near it. A few that tried came away before midnight with tales of ghostly thumping noises, gasps, moans, and a terrible wet bloodstain that appeared on the front porch and could not be wiped away.
Find the tone and mood in this passage The Phelps place was an old, abandoned property with a monstrous, decrepit Victorian house that was supposed to be haunted. It should have been a good resting place for the local deer hunters, but they would not go near it. A few that tried came away before midnight with tales of ghostly thumping noises, gasps, moans, and a terrible wet bloodstain that appeared on the front porch and could not be wiped away.
What is Tone? Tone: The writer’s attitude towards the subject of the piece, the audience, and self. Also known as, the way feelings are expressed. Conveyed through the use of: Diction (the words that the author uses in his/her writing) Point of View (the author’s view and how it affects his/her writing) Syntax (the arrangement of words to create sentences) And, the author’s level of formality (how formal or informal is the piece?)
What is Mood? Mood is the atmosphere of a piece of writing that influence the way the reader feels. Writers use many devices to create the mood in a text: Dialogue (language between the characters) Setting (where/when the story takes place, who the characters are, etc.) Plot (the rise and fall of action and events throughout the piece)
The Night the Ghost Got In: The ghost that got into our house on the night of November 17, 1915, raised such a hullabaloo of misunderstandings that I am sorry I didn’t just let it keep on walking, and go to bed.
Its advent caused my mother to throw a shoe through a window of the house next door and ended up with my grandfather shooting a patrolman. I am sorry, therefore, as I have said, that I ever paid attention to the footsteps.
Command Terms Practice Outline - Give a brief account List the most important events that happened in the story in the order that they happened.
Sample Question Outline the story of “The Night the Ghost Got in”