6th Grade Science How To Study
Reading and Homework The reason I assign homework is so that I can try to make sure you READ! I have you read about a topic before we cover it in class Then after the material has been covered in class, I have you answer questions about it If you come to class without reading, it will likely be harder for you to understand what we talk about in class, and you may miss valuable information Also, you might not know/understand to answers to questions on the test Moral of the story: DO YOUR READING!!!
Labs The labs we do in class are meant to give you hands-on experience with what we are covering in class. It is a lot easier to learn & remember things you do yourself then just something you’ve heard from your teacher. When you finish your labs overnight, you should really try to understand the questions. What is being asked, and why it’s important. This will help you understand things for the test. And if you don’t understand the questions – COME ASK ME! Don’t wait until after the test. That is too late
The review sheets I hand out are just a listing of all the topics you need to know for the test You should take them home and make a completed review sheet (ie: one with all the answers) for yourself (over the weekend is good, because then you have 5 nights to study it) Good ways to study the information: Make flash cards Read the review sheet out loud to yourself – over and over again Have a parent/tutor/friend quiz you Make up your own test questions and try to answer them! Review Sheets