Proposal to Require the Reporting of Aborted Living Donor Organ Recovery Procedures (Resolution 19) Living Donor Committee Mary Amanda Dew, PhD
The Problem Aborted living donor organ recovery procedures may not be reported at time of event and therefore may be under reported
#5- Promote Living Donor Safety Strategic Plan #5- Promote Living Donor Safety Minimize risk to living organ donors Properly evaluate potential living donors
Goal of the Proposal Improve safety of living donation Help quantify the risk of living donation .
How the Proposal will Achieve its Goal Aborted procedures would become a new living donor adverse event category added to UNetSM Improving Patient Safety Portal
Supporting Evidence Reliable count of aborted living donor organ recovery procedures does not exist Since 2003 - only 12 cases reported where a donation surgery was aborted after anesthesia was administered because of a threat to donor’s health
No vote/ No comment/Did not consider Public Comment Type Total Support Support as Amended Opposed No vote/ No comment/Did not consider Individual 21 17 (80.9%) 1 (4.8%) 3 (14.3%) Regional 11 11 (100%) Committee 19 16 Additionally
What Members will Need to Do Recovery hospitals will report aborted living donor recovery procedures within 72 hours of the event as Living Donor Adverse Events through the UNetSM Improving Patient Safety Portal
Overall Project Impact Product Policy Target Population Impact: Living Donors Total IT Implementation Hours 0/10,680 Total Overall Implementation Hours 20/17,885
Resolution 19 (page 72) RESOLVED, that new or modified Policies 18.5.C (Submission of Living Donor Death and Organ Failure), 18.5.D (Reporting of Non- Transplanted Living Donor Organs), 18.5.E (Reporting of Living Donor Organs Not Transplanted in the Intended Recipient), and 18.6 (Reporting of Living Donor Adverse Events) as set forth below, are hereby approved effective February 1, 2015. *Page 72 of Board book Here is the resolution which can be found on page XX of the resolution document along with the final proposed policy language.