What makes you you? NATURE VS. NURTURE: Are you the product of your GENETIC INHERITANCE or your ENVIRONMENT? SOCIOBIOLOGISTS: Biology (genetics, nature) is the basis of most social behavior Most sociologists reject the sociobiological approach and see social factors as the key component of personality and social behavior BIRTH ORDER: What do you think is the difference between first born vs later born children FIRST BORN: ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTED, COOPERATIVE, CAUTIOUS LATE BORN: MORE SOCIAL, AFFECTIONATE, FRIENDLY, CREATIVE
The Social Self Socialization: Interactive process by which individuals learn the norms, values and behavior patterns of society. Locke: The Tabula Rosa Locke believed that we are born with no personality, that all is learned
The Looking Glass Self The belief that we develop an image of ourselves based on how we imagine we appear to other people.
AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION FAMILY: Most important! PEER / SCHOOL: Next significant agent in socialization beginning at age 5 (school) MASS MEDIA: Music, Television, Films RELIGION SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS: Girl Scouts, Sports, Chess club
RESOCIALIZATION Changing the Norms and Values of your initial SOCIALIZATION process and adopting a new set of Norms and Values TOTAL INSTITUTION: When individuals are isolated from society (by choice or force) and adapt to new norms and values