AGM of School Board 2016
SCHOOL BOARD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AGENDA Please note: The attendance form is near the door. Please enter your name and the name of anyone offering their apologies. 1. Opening Prayer. 2. Acceptance of Minutes of the 2015 A.G.M. 3. Business arising from the minutes of A.G.M 2015. 4. A report by the current Board chairman to the School community on the operation of the Board during the preceding 12 months. The Board will make the report available to the School Community. 5. An announcement of the criteria for Board membership, as stated in Section 8.1 of this Constitution; 6. Election of members to the Board and; 7. Announcement of the names of the new members of the Board. 8. Treasurer’s report. a) Statement of the provisional budget for 2017. b) 2017 School Fees. 9. Chair closing.
School Board Annual General Meeting Provisional Budget Report 2017 Report presented by the School Board Treasurer, Christopher Casale
This year’s budget has been prepared on the basis of 253 Pre Primary – Year 6 and 38 Kindergarten students
Overview of funds 90% of Income received from Government Funding and 7.5% from school fees. The Initial Budget has to have a balanced Recurrent Component which ours does. Provisions are required for 2018 January Salaries equating to $216,240. Main expense for the school is salaries and on-costs of salaries which total approx. 75% of income received.
INCOME – Major Items Gross Tuition Fee $ 228,000 Other Student Income $ 51,500 Excursion and Camp $ 48,000 Other Recurrent Income $ 675,000 Compulsory Tuition Charges $ 19,500 State Govt Grant $ 667,600 Commonwealth General Rec Grant $1,555,000 Other C’wealth Grants $ 430,800 Building Levy $ 44,600 Capital Receipts From The P&F $ 25,000 Building Grants/Low Interest Loan $3,878,700 Total Receipts $7,623,700
EXPENDITURE – Major Items Salaries and on costs $2,500,000 Other recurrent expenditure $ 482,000 Maintenance and Grounds $ 73,500 Co responsibility Building Fund $ 37,185 New Fencing $ 100,000 New Furniture for Year 3 $ 25,000 Repayment Of Principal Loans $ 247,000 Building Stage 12 & 13 $4,149,000 Total Payments $7,613,685 BUDGET (Surplus)$93,632
Fees for 2017 CECWA recommended a 2% to 4% fee increase and the Board has adopted a 3% fee increase. The recommended levy of discount for siblings remains at 2nd child – 20% discount 3rd child – 40% discount 4th child – 100% discount Building Levy is set at 20% of the first child’s Tuition Fee
Parents and Friends Wish List 2017 The School Board will be seeking the continued support of the Parents and Friends Association in the support of initiatives such as: 20 IPad and 21 Surface pros. Literacy and Mathematical Resources. Subject to building considerations purchase of additional play resources. Purchase of academic extension materials. To the value of $25,000 or their capacity to fund.