I will be able to define the following terms: MT: Immune System I will be able to define the following terms: Antibodies Vaccine Bacteria Virus Benign Pathogen Molecular barrier Physical barrier
Pathogen Def: any agent that causes disease “path” = disease Word in use: 1. pathology is the study of disease 2. a pathologist is someone who studies disease
Antibody pathogen Protein found in blood that detect and destroy foreign invaders (pathogens) Antibody Red blood cell
Vaccine Weakened form of a pathogen so body creates antibodies against it
Bacteria Prokaryote no nucleus Genetic material floats around cytoplasm no organelles Simple one cell
Virus Small particle that has DNA or RNA and uses other organisms to grow and reproduce Not all are harmful
Benign Not dangerous; Harmless Neutral Word in Use: A benign skin tumor is not cancerous – it does not hurt a person.
Molecular Barrier To block or protect using chemicals or molecules Ex: antibodies, hand sanitizer, soap, household cleaners
Physical barrier To block or protect using a touchable object Ex: fence, skin, wall, jacket, condom