Guidelines on the use of estimation methods for the integration of administrative sources WG Methodology 2018/05/03
Overview Purpose of the presentation Objectives of the guidelines Background information Structure of the guidelines Content - usage scenarios Next steps Purpose of the presentation To discuss and approve the draft guidelines before it goes for further consultation in other expert group.
Objective of the guidelines - 1 Nowadays statistical products regularly rely on different data sources which are often called as multi-source statistics Distinction between two kinds of data sources Statistical data Administrative data The guidelines consider the integration of these two kinds of sources
Objective of the guidelines - 2 For the integration of statistical data and administrative data it is necessary: To create an infrastructure which supports the integration To distinguish different usage scenarios for the integration To understand the conditions necessary for the application of the different methods
Background information Sources used in the guidelines: ESS.VIP Admin WP 2: Statistical methods ESSnet MEMOBUST ESSnet Data integration ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics – KOMUSO ESSnet on the use of administrative data and accounts data in business statistics A.&B. Wallgren: Register-based Statistics
Structure of the guidelines The guidelines are organised as follows Introduction – Chapter 1 The use of administrative data in statistical production (defining typology of use cases) – Chapter 2 Specific use cases – Chapter 3 – 9 The chapters 3 – 9 are self-contained and can be read independently The structure of these chapters is as follows: Description of the usage scenario Short description of the possible methods and workflow Evaluation of the application of the different methods and workflows Examples and references
Usage scenarios - 1 Using administrative data for editing of statistical micro-data Using administrative data for imputation of statistical micro-data Using administrative data for weighting and estimation of time series Using administrative data in small area estimation Using administrative data for alignment of statistical units Alignment of measurements for administrative variables
Usage scenarios - 2 Data integration for statistical micro-data and administrative data based on matching of object characteristics Data integration for statistical micro-data and administrative data based on statistical matching (data fusion) Macro-integration based on adjustment of micro and macro-data
Usage scenarios - 3 Creation of statistical registers from administrative registers Updating of statistical registers using administrative registers Combining administrative sources for tabulation of statistical results Substitution and supplementation for direct collection
Next steps After approval of WG methodology: consultation in other working/expert group consultation with DIME/ITDG proposal for ESS standard
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