Expression levels of the transgenic DIA1(R1204X) mutant in the inner ear of TG mice Expression levels of the transgenic DIA1(R1204X) mutant in the inner ear of TG mice Illustration of the linearized expression cassette containing the CAG promoter, 3xFLAG‐tagged DIA1(R1204X), and SV40 poly(A) sequence used for injection into fertilized eggs.Expression of FLAG‐tagged DIA1(R1204X) in the inner ear and heart of TG, but not WT, mice is confirmed by immunoblotting using a FLAG Ab. Representative of three experiments.Expression levels of FLAG‐tagged DIA1(R1204X) relative to endogenous Dia1 in the inner ear, thymus, and heart were determined by immunoblotting using a Dia1/DIA1 Ab (inner ear, n = 4; thymus and heart, n = 3) and quantified in the inner ear and thymus (mean ± SE; *P = 0.0226 and **P = 0.0016 by two‐tailed Student's t‐test). Lysates of HEK293 cells overexpressing equal amounts of GFP‐Dia1 and GFP‐DIA1 (determined using a GFP Ab: right end) are detected with equal affinity by the Dia1/DIA1 antibody. Comparable loading of proteins is confirmed using a α‐tubulin or GAPDH Ab. Source data are available online for this figure. Takehiko Ueyama et al. EMBO Mol Med. 2016;emmm.201606609 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend