The name The name is scotland
The capital Edinburgh is the capital
The highest mountain in scotland Ben Nevis at 1,334 miles high
The most popular sport It is golf somehow
Exports in scotland Their main exports are food and drink one example is greencity foods
Are they part of the EU Yes (i couldn't find a reason)
A famous person gerard James Butler he is a Scottish actor, producer and singer. He was in how to train your dragon and 300.
A big political figure david cameron he is a uk prime minister
Were they in ww1 and ww2 They were in both and important in industries but then were bombed by nazis in ww2
There leader There president is Nicola Sturgeon
Form of government They have a constitutional monarchy
The religion christian and roman catholic are the main ones
The population It is apout 5.295 million people
A famous place Lake loch ness
The climate region It's in the cfb region warm but not to warm
The language 99% of language in scotland is english the other 1% is scots or Scottish Gaelic
Relationship to the U.S It is extremely good