BASEAL Getting on and falling out -1
L.O.1 To know that my relationships are all different and that different ways of behaving are appropriate to different types of relationships. L.O.2 To accept and appreciate people’s friendship and try not to demand more than they are able or wish to give.
Think about all the friends you have. Write their names on the back of the sheet. Think about these things: Do you like all your friends in the same way? Do you like doing the same things with all your friends? Do you tend to see some friends only in certain situations? Would you want to see all of your friends all the time?
Levels of Friendship
Write names or initials for these people: Inner circle: People closest to you : immediate family and friends : people you love. Next circle People who are close to you : cousins : good friends : people you like a lot. People you know quite well : see a lot : get on O.K. with : classmates : distant relatives. Outer circle Acquaintances : people you know a bit e.g. the postman, your doctor , children in Y3.
Friendships work at different levels - this is O.K. We may not want to be “best friends” with all our friends – some people prefer to have just one close friend.
If your dog had to be put down by the vet and you were very sad, who would you want to come and see you? Which level of friendship would these people be on? Who would you give your favourite toy or game or money to if they felt really sad? Which level of friendship would this person be on? Q. Who would you expect to give you their favourite toy if you were feeling sad?
Friendship problems may arise when one person “expects too much” of another. We have to respect what other people can give us. We cannot demand that someone is a closer friend than they really are however much we would like this!