Karl Vrancken – VITO Advisory Group Meeting 8 December 2006 Data gathering and impact assessment for a possible review of the IPPC Directive Karl Vrancken – VITO Advisory Group Meeting 8 December 2006
Contents Background Methodology and output Phase II: approach Waste treatment activities: approach Conclusions
Background Data gathering and impact assessment phase I: IPPC process and procedures Options definition and impact assessment Annex I new sectors Options definition Impact assessment: aquaculture, combustion
Background IEG Guidance group Discussion on interpretation topics: biological processing, pharmaceutical intermediates,… Waste Thematic Strategy, IEG + Waste Management Committee Additional waste treatment activities in Annex I
New projects Data gathering and impact assessment for a possible review of the IPPC Directive: Phase II Waste treatment Using similar methodology and consortium as ‘phase I’
Phase II
Phase II
Phase II C1: in line with soil thematic strategy C2: AG proposals before 15 January 2007
Waste Treatment D1 : Waste coverage definition Eliminate problematic cross-referencing with R- and D-codes D2: Waste activities list and thresholds Evaluation and rationalisation
Waste Treatment Significant environmental impact: build on initial assessment in waste thematic strategy Significant environmental impact: Biological treatment of organic waste Pre-treatment of combustible waste for co-incineration Sorting of Construction and Demolition waste Off-site treatment of slags and ashes for recycling Recycling of sludges Mechanical recycling of plastics Chemical recycling of plastics
Waste treatment ‘Unknown’ impact: Recycling of wood Recycling of rubber Recycling of minerals Scrap metal preparation Recycling of edible oils/fat Recycling of gypsum
Methodology Based on phase I Development of fact sheets Iterative approach Options definition Impact assessment
Methodology Step 1: Problem definition Step 2: Current situation Number of installations Main installation characteristics Employment Legislation case studies (4-6 MS)
Methodology Step 2 (continued) Type of emissions Nature of impacts Quantified emissions at EU level Comparison to other sector emissions Using reference emissions Available techniques, abatement potential and costs
Methodology Step 3 : Identification of options Identify Pros and cons Step 4: Options evaluation Impact assessment matrix
Methodology Step 5: Conclusions Assessment in view of different stakeholders Deficiencies identified Basis to make decision for EC
Phase II approach Data gathering: Draft final report ~ May 2007 Sector interviews EC discussions AG input Until end February to receive input Draft final report ~ May 2007
Waste Treatment approach Data gathering: Sector workshop: end January (date TBC) Brussels Interviews and discussion Possible discussion with Waste Management Commitee early March Draft final report ~ May 2007
Waste Treatment approach 15 amendments: 3-tier approach 15: problem definition, current situation 9 : options definition 6 : impact assessment Selection with DG ENV on basis of importance, environmental impact
Conclusions Focus on Annex I revision and soil AG input welcome: ‘possible’ amendments AG input welcome: now at workshop until February (phase II) March (waste)
Contact Karl Vrancken VITO – BAT Centre Boeretang 200 B2400 Mol Karl.vrancken@vito.be 0032 14 335892 Together with BIO, IEEP