Cut to Length Logging (CTL) Fuel loading v. efficiency
Processing Heads
Why do we use CTL Gain efficiency in small diameter stands Allows more options when matching whole tree systems with CTL systems Decreases soil compaction Processors walk on created slash while cutting Forwarders walk on created processor slash when “skidding” Smaller landing size Benefits from nutrient cycling
Sugar TS – fir unit More fuel left in the unit 7-12 tons/acre? Is Piling needed Prescribed fire? Cost effectiveness
Sugar TS – pine unit (220)
Smaller Landing Size
Sugar TS – LP and white fir (226)
Sugar unit 226
What’s the issue? Still seeing “whole tree required” in planning documents Would like to retain the option to log using either system based on efficiency and need Discuss what is acceptable fuel load retention Do we need to pile? Can we use service work $$ for other acres and used prescribed fire to treat after logging? Questions