Electronic Document Management (EDM) ادارة الوثائق الالكترونية Naji Shukri Alzaza University of Palestine February 2011
Course Description ITBS4203 Documents computing: e-documents management technologies, appropriate processing for creating, accessing and publishing documents, descriptions of the nature of documents, their components and structure, and how they can be represented; how documents are used and controlled. Naji Shukri Alzaz, EDM, www.up.edu.ps, February 2011
Teaching Methods 42 hours of facilitation, lectures, discussions, and presentation. The use of case studies will be emphasized in group projects involving selected organizations. 3 hours weekly for practical training. Naji Shukri Alzaz, EDM, www.up.edu.ps, February 2011
Assessment Marks Distribution Midterm Exam %20 Individual Presentation %10 Research Project Final Exam %50 Total %100 Naji Shukri Alzaz, EDM, www.up.edu.ps, February 2011
Naji Shukri Alzaz, EDM, www.up.edu.ps, February 2011