West End SELPA Program Specialists 2016-17
Program Specialists Fall under the umbrella of Regional Services in the WESELPA Organizational Chart Regional Services: Division of the West End SELPA that provides direct/indirect classroom support to district’s special education programs and services Provided by Program Specialists and Behavior Specialists Each district has a Program Specialist/Behavior Specialist assigned to it (we will come back to this later)
Role of the Program Specialists Provide direct/indirect classroom support to the districts special education programs. Direct: Consultation and collaboration within the classroom Indirect: Staff development and training in small and large group formats to staff; consultation with district directors Some of the support services include: IEP development Legal Compliance IEP meeting attendance Model collaborative IEP meeting structure Behavioral Interventions and Behavior Plan development Instructional strategies Classroom Management Classroom observations Assistive technology and video modelling Inclusion Strategies Transition Services and ITP development Curriculum Implementation Educational resources and current research Liaison with parents/guardians Other evidence based supports to help a child be successful in the classroom (For additional support services see Regional Services Staff Vision Document)
Role of the Program Specialists Things NOT done by Regional Services Not many!! Some that come to mind. IEP/ITP and BIP development. One of the goals of RS is to build capacity and expertise in district staff. RS will support school teams in developing these documents but not create them. Direct Service: One to one intervention or support to the student in the classroom. FAPE: Do Not make offers of FAPE for the district at IEP meetings
Regional Services Staff Vision Document Description of the goals and projects of Regional Services for each school year A blueprint for the what, who, how and when for the Regional Services for each school year Regularly reviewed and updated throughout the school year to reflect progress on goals and projects
Regional Services Staff Vision Document Vision Document divided into: Part 1 A. Goals for each school year. What we want to achieve. The “Vision” piece. B. New Projects: Recently developed projects. Areas of high need or priority based on feedback from districts, changes in law; new mandates; trends in special education. C. Revised Trainings: Previously developed but high need projects that are current and actively being implemented. D. Maintenance/On-Going Projects: Existing projects that tend to be needed from school year to school year. These projects are monitored and maintained and available to districts on an on-going basis.
Regional Services Staff Vision Document Part 2: Development of the District Service Plan A menu of services available to each district that can be used as a guide to prioritize specific district needs for the school year Developed through collaboration with district assigned Program Specialist
Accessing Program Specialist Support Every district is assigned a Program Specialist See handout The Program Specialist listed on the slide/handout is your “ go to” person Process to Access PS services Communicate directly with your assigned Program Specialist to request support Articulate what is needed and decide on what the support will look like Communicate regularly
Accessing Program Specialist Support Not restricted to ONLY the assigned Program Specialist Can access other Program Specialists based on: needs in your district expertise of the other Program Specialist availability of the other Program Specialist Recent examples of district cross over of PSs: Chino Para-Professional training in June 2014 ALSD bus driver training August 2014
Accessing Program Specialist Support Process for accessing non-district assigned Program Specialist Talk directly to your district assigned Program Specialist first. Do not go directly to the other PS(S) or the WESELPA administrator Explain your needs to your district assigned PS and collaboratively work out a plan to meet them utilizing another PS(s) Let your district assigned PS then discuss the situation with the identified PS(s)
Process for Accessing District Program Specialist Support