This house was built 43 years ago, and almost no improvements had been made since then. Aiming to improve the interiors, a plan was made based on the following guidelines: - The inside circulation must be facilitated, and solution must practical for a day by day basis use. - The costs should be keep minimum. - The materials should be mainly recycled. - The inside decoration is going to reflect the eco- efficient concept underlying the changes. This guidelines can only be accomplish with a single strategy : Time intensive solutions must be put in front of money intensive ones. Walls down to make more easy the circulation between the dinning room and kitchen. Closet down to get free space in the dinning room
AND…… here it is a Kitchnet… Some walls and furniture to the trash. All the rest was keep to recycle
Nothing can be done without effort…. The materials coming from the closet where kept to build the new furniture The concept: - If there is something useful in one situation in can be again in another In the end it is all furniture any way.
mainly, lots of time intensive effort … Some old fashion tiles used in a random way This bed didnt went to the trash without some parts being used for kitchen balcony support
Some ink in the kitchen board ant it became perfect. For all the rest..…. Ink and painting was the solution. Keep the essential with few changes and,
How it looks from the sofa. Looking thru the corner Never easy solutions to mix colours. And after 250 hours of work Take some Time to rest But before…. A little experience The microwave fits inside half of a old furniture The final result at :