I Can write fractions as terminating or repeating decimals and write decimals as fractions at least at 80% proficiency. 7.NS.2 Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division and of fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers.
P A G E 2 6 4 19 100 0.19 105 1000 0.105
0.3 0.12 -6.5
-0.875 2.125 −0. 27 8. 3
0.2= 2 10 = 1 5 0.25= 25 100 = 1 4 0.4= 4 10 = 2 5
Page 266 -0.9 0. 55 0.4 75 100 = 3 4
L4 – 1 1. Write 9 10 as a decimal. 4. Write 1 16 as a decimal. 7. George read that the part of his favorite cereal that was whole grain wheat is 0.72 Determine what fraction of his cereal is whole grain wheat. Write it in simplest form. When you have finished start on page 267.