A young root –the first organ to emerge during seed germination---WHY?
Adventitious roots
Root tip Slimy layer root hairs rootcap Root apical meristem
epidermis cortex Cross section of primary root endodermis Vascular cylinder stele
epidermis cortex Cross section of primary root endodermis Vascular cylinder stele
pericycle Primary xylem Primary phloem xylem Cross section of primary root
Dicot root cross section Stele: A = xylem B = phloem C = endodermis D = pericycle Dicot root cross section
Zea sp. root cross section
Pneumatophores -- for breathing in waterlogged soil
Contractile roots --thickened specialized roots at the base of a corm, bulb, or other organ which is designed to shrink vertically under conditions of seasonal drought that helps position this plant part at an appropriate level in the ground.
Haustoria – suckers of parasitic plants for obtaining nutrients from their hosts
Mycorrhizae –mutualistic relationship between plant roots and fungi Pinus strobus with Amanita muscaria
Root nodules --–mutualistic relationship between plant roots and N-fixing bacteria