Rhythm & Solfège Review (and some new things) 7th Grade Fall 2017
Take notes on anything you don’t remember Take notes on anything you don’t remember. Take notes on all the new things.
Multiple Beats Notes Four Quarter Notes: 1 beat each, “Ta” Two Half Notes: 2 beats each, “Ta-a” One Whole Note: 4 beats, “Ta-a-a-a”
Subdivided Beats One Quarter Note: 1 beat, “Ta” Two Eighth Notes: ½ beat each, “Ti-Ti” Four Sixteenth Notes: ¼ beat each, “Ti-Ki-Ti-Ki”
More Divided Beats Ti-Ti-Ki Ti-Ki-Ki Ti-Ki-Ti Tii-Ki Tai - Ti
Notes & Solfege Key of C Key of F
Sight-Reading Practice Rhythm Syllables Ti - Ti-Ki Ti-Ki-Ti Tii - Ki Ta Ta i - Ti Tii - Ki Ta Solfège Do Ti Do Mi Fa La So Sh So Mi Re Do
Rhythm Dictation Listen to the rhythm syllables I say and write down the correct notes. Example: I say “Ta-a Ti-Ti Ta” and you write…