Connecting People, Connecting Support Transforming the occupational therapy contribution to support people living with dementia in Scotland. Elaine Hunter, National AHP consultant, Alzheimer Scotland @elaineahpmh Alison McKean, AHP post diagnostic lead, Alzheimer Scotland @AliAHPDem @AHPDementia #AHPConnectingPeople Let’s Talk about Dementia #RCOT2018
Background Background
Scotland’s dementia strategy “Our shared vision is of a Scotland where people with dementia and those who care for them have access to timely, skilled and well-coordinated support from a diagnosis to end of life which helps achieve the outcomes that matter to them” Scottish Government 2017
Scotland’s Dementia Strategy Commitment 10 2017-2020 “We will support the implementation of the new national AHP Framework Connecting People, Connecting Support. Scotland’s National Dementia Strategy 2017-2020
Evidence for action
How to make it happen : 4 ambitions 1. Enhanced access I am supported to look after my own health and wellbeing & do the things that matter most to me. I feel I get the support I need to keep on with my caring role for as along as I want to do that. 2. Partnership and integration I feel I am treated as a person by the people doing the work, we develop a relationship that helps us to work well together 3. Skilled AHP workforce I feel I get the support and resources I need to do my job well 4. Innovation, improvement & research The right care for me is delivered at the right time A human rights based approach will be at the heart of person-centred AHP services AHP’s will deliver services to people living with dementia using the biopsychosocial approach to rehabilitation as outlined in the AHP approach Dementia is every AHP’s business offering services in dementia-aware environments AHP’s will adapt & tailor their rehabilitation interventions taking into account the individual and developing needs….ensuring maximum participation…supporting individual ambitions & enacting a risk enablement approach…..
An improvement approach in practice 1. Enhanced access I am supported to look after my own health and wellbeing & do the things that matter most to me. I feel I get the support I need to keep on with my caring role for as along as I want to do that.
An Improvement Approach : A conceptual framework for planned improvement
Specialist FEW allied health professionals DRAFT Effective Decision Making in dementia care when people ask for help from allied health professionals Specialist FEW allied health professionals Targeted SOME allied health professionals Universal ALL allied health professionals Awareness ALL allied health professionals
Enhanced access to occupational therapy in dementia in Scotland Awareness & Universal Targeted & Specialist (individual)
Edinburgh, Dumfries, Fife & Glasgow Relational Approaches Meet the improvement team for #WithOTuCAN @juliebrownOT @elaineahpmh @dorman_lynn @CarrieOTMH @AliAHPDem @Sammhahp Edinburgh, Dumfries, Fife & Glasgow
Technical Approaches Interactive logic model
People Process Platform Vision :Increase access to occupational therapy information for people living with dementia and their families to help them remain active & independent in their community to achieve this we need to ensure which requires ideas to ensure this happens Aim Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers Change idea Capacity & capability of occupational therapists in use of twitter Test a team approach to use of the twitter account By 22nd April 2018 we will have increased the number of people engaging with occupational therapists by sharing their work in dementia, on twitter with over 1,000 followers. People Test current learning materials Active engagement with people living with dementia & their families Test use of targeted tweets(clear aims/themed)to people living with dementia Themed & targeted weekly tweets Test using timetable of tweet themes with the group over the project timelines Process Mechanisms to capture quantitative feedback Test impact of weekly measurement points during 13 week pilot test Mechanisms to capture qualitative feedback Test impact of weekly measurement points during 13 week pilot test Platform Awareness of the twitter account Test a brand for twitter account 4 weeks, collecting baseline data Link to wider AHP social media platforms Test impact on AHP blog Governance for use of twitter Test system to monitor complaints or hack for use of twitter
Technical Approaches Change ideas The change ideas included, does it make a difference if we tweet daily? do we increase our followers if we tweet at weekends? do we have greater engagement if we have themed tweets? By the end of the 4 months, we were tweeting daily, incorporating the themes of the AHP approach (Alzheimer Scotland 2017) to our advice and top tips to living well with dementia
Technical Approaches Family of measures Outcome - how you will track the progress of your improvement aim Record the number of new followers monthly Record the number of retweets weekly Record the number of likes weekly Process - how you will know how the parts of the system you need to change (to get you to your improvement aim) are performing and the impact of your changes on these. Record the total number of impressions daily Survey the project participants on their experience of using twitter in their daily practice Survey the project participants on the support required to be involved in this project Balancing - do you need to keep watch in case your action has a unintended impact on other parts of the system or to see if something unrelated to your project is influencing project success? Count the number of people reading the AHP blog Capture the time spent by participants on twitter
What is the data telling us? 1. I Chart
What is the data telling us? 2. Experience of the occupational therapy tweeters Why this project: before & after “To increase public awareness of what occupational therapy can do for people living with dementia” “To improve my own knowledge & skills around the use of twitter” “It was great when people living with dementia & carers responded to the tweets to say how useful they found them or with ideas of their own….. “I was apprehensive at first but have really enjoyed my weekly tweets & supporting others in the team with their tweets. I feel I am more confident at tweeting…”
What is the data telling us. 3 What is the data telling us? 3. Tweets that received the most impressions Top tip for mealtimes. Place on the table only what’s needed and ensure good colour contrast. Keep plates and glasses in the line of sight and ensure that the person can see the contents. Let us know what you think about our tweets? #dementia #WithOTuCAN @alzscot
What is the data telling us? 4. Conversations with followers Really interesting work here on the effectiveness of twitter in connecting with occupational therapists to enhance support of people living with #dementia. Social media as a force for good #dementiacare #dementia Good and sound advice “Thanks… great job with this practical suggestions for improving the quality of life for those with #dementia. I am putting them to work with my loved one #livingwithdementia”
Improvement in Practice “The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply” Covey 1. Seek to understand 2. Power of relationships 3. Start small, then make it smaller, then make it smaller again! 4. The importance of measurement 5. Prepare to fail 6. Value of patience & reflection
Elaine Hunter, @elaineahpmh Alison McKean, @AliAHPDem Stay connected Elaine Hunter, @elaineahpmh Alison McKean, @AliAHPDem
References Alzheimer Scotland 2017 Connecting people, connecting support. Transforming the contribution of allied health professionals in dementia in Scotland 2017-2020 Langley GJ Moen RD Nolan KM Nolan TW Norman CL Provost LP 2009 The improvement Guide A practical approach to enhancing organizational performance 2nd edition Jossey-Bass Scottish Government 2017 Scotland’s National Dementia Strategy 2017-2020 Scottish Government Edinburgh