Plotting Multiple Graphs In The Same Plot Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Plotting Multiple Graphs In The Same Plot Using the plot Command Computer Programming Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Using the hold on and hold off Commands Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Using the hold on and hold off Commands Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Using the line Command Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Using the line Command Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
FORMATTING A PLOT The xlabel and ylabel commands: The title command: Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department FORMATTING A PLOT The xlabel and ylabel commands: The title command: Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
The text command: The legend command: Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department The text command: The legend command: Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department The text in the string that is included in the command and is displayed when the command is executed can be formatted. The formatting can be used to define the font, size, position (superscript, subscript), style (italic, bold, etc.), and color of the characters, the color of the background, and many other details of the display. Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Greek characters: Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Greek characters: Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Formatting of the text that is displayed by the xlabel, ylabel, title, and text commands can also be done by adding optional PropertyName and PropertyValue arguments following the string inside the command. Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
When the plot (x, y) command is executed, MATLAB creates Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department The axis command: When the plot (x, y) command is executed, MATLAB creates axes with limits that are based on the minimum and maximum values of the elements of x and y. Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Formatting a Plot Using the Plot Editor Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Formatting a Plot Using the Plot Editor Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Plots with Logarithmic Axes Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Plots with Logarithmic Axes Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Notes for plots with logarithmic axes: Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Notes for plots with logarithmic axes: • The number zero cannot be plotted on a log scale • Negative numbers cannot be plotted on log scales Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
PLOTS WITH ERROR BARS Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department PLOTS WITH ERROR BARS Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
PLOTS WITH SPECIAL GRAPHICS Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department PLOTS WITH SPECIAL GRAPHICS Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13
Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Computer Programming Dr.Moayed Almobaied Computer Programming Lecture 13