Chapter 1- Principles of Government This is the info that will be tested so take notes. Seriously, everything on this will be on the first test.
4 characteristics of a state population-must have people What is a state? Defined- a body of people, living in a defined territory, organized politically, and with the power to make and enforce laws. 4 characteristics of a state population-must have people territory- must have land sovereignty- must have absolute power (not controlled by another state) government- must have an institution to make and enforce policies
United States as an example of a state 1. We have people…….
United States as an example of a state We have land……
United States as an example of a state We are sovereign…..
United States as an example of a state We have a government….
United States as an example of a state What is the purpose of our government? -6 goals- Form a more perfect union Establish justice Insure domestic tranquility Provide for the common defense Promote the general welfare Secure the blessings of liberty
United States as an example of a state What kind of government do we have? Presidential Democracy- the power of government is divided equally between branches. These branches are controlled by the people through voting.
United States as an example of a state What concepts are necessary in a true democracy? Worth of the individual-everyone is a separate and distinct being Equality of all persons- all men are created equal (Jefferson) Majority rule, minority rights- majority must always listen to the minority’s argument Necessity of compromise- find the position most acceptable to the largest number Individual freedom- The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. (JFK). Freedom is not absolute
With a partner- using construction paper and markers Create a state With a partner- using construction paper and markers Create your own state poster- give it a name and then address the four characteristics that make it a state. draw an example of the people draw the geographic layout a representation of their sovereignty a brief explanation of how their government is set up FILL THE PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will have the remainder of today and Friday to complete. Think about how to make a quality product while budgeting your time. If you finish early and have nothing to do, you will be asked to create another state.