Ionic vs. Molecular Compounds
First, fold your paper in half like this. Not this.
You need two “flaps.” Do not write these numbers on your flaps! To cut “flaps,” cut only the top half of the folded paper. Do not write these numbers on your flaps! 1 2
Molecular (Covalent) Compounds Ionic Compounds
Nonmetal ion (anion): root + ide Names Metal ion (cation): full name Nonmetal ion (anion): root + ide NO PREFIXES 1 2
2nd nonmetal atom: prefix + root + ide 1 2 Names 1st nonmetal atom prefix (if >1) + name 2nd nonmetal atom: prefix + root + ide
Formulas Starts with metal ‘Cross-over’ charges NO PREFIXES 1 2
Start with nonmetal or metalloid Formulas Start with nonmetal or metalloid Number of atoms determined using prefixes DO NOT CROSS CHARGES 1 2