Local Intersectoral Action for Health Project Curitiba Experience PUCPR Prof. Simone Tetu Moyses, PhD
Context Municipal Health Promotion Policy Healthy People Project Healthy practices Healthy social environment
Healthy People Healthy Environments healthy schools Building healthy work and learning environments healthy schools healthy corporations healthy universities
Healthy Environment Project Objective To stimulate the involvement of different social actors and institutions on health promotion practices in the city, through exchanging knowledge and assets, mobilization and organization capacities.
Healthy Environment Project Since 2003 + 200 institutions Working with leaders, local mobilization actors, and promoters of intesetctoral actions on health promotion Focus on themes of interest of stakeholders Development of integrated projects
Healthy Environment Project University Partnership Capacity building on health promotion Development of intersectoral actions Evaluation support PUCPR
Intersectoral Action for Health Strengthening local capacities Mobilization and sustainability strategies Knowledge production and dissemination Effectiveness evaluation
Intersectoral Action for Health Dissemination of experiences (communication) Intersectoral Action for Health Strengthening intersectoral collaboration (new competencies) Building conceptual framework
Expectations Improvement of the communication process Strategies to identify and mobilize new partners Theoretical and evaluation support Sustainability of the network Exchange knowledge and learnings in support of the National Policy on Health Promotion
Simone Tetu Moyses simone.moyses@pucpr.br