Liberty vs. License The Constitution
Liberty vs. License Objective: Compare / contrast the idea of liberty versus the idea of license and explain how they impact inalienable rights. Page 49
Liberty vs. License Lack of Conscience Conscience Liberty License My pursuit of happiness Your inalienable Rights My pursuit of happiness Your inalienable Rights Liberty can only exist when the boundary between one’s pursuit of happiness and another’s inalienable rights is satisfactory controlled by conscience. Everyone is born with a conscience – Law of Nature and of Nature’s God – people know right from wrong You can either obey your conscience or ignore it Conscience if refined by religion License is the absence of liberty. This occurs when someone’s pursuit of happiness infringes on someone else’s inalienable rights. In this case there is a lack of conscience inadequate to serve as a boundary. Someone’s liberty is lost at the expense of a person’s pursuit of happiness. If the boundary is not restored, then external government must be administered to take control over the boundary. It is difficult for an external force to determine the boundary between two people. Today, people use the government to legalize (it is still immoral) to infringe on the rights of others in their pursuit of happiness. Conscience Lack of Conscience
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