Applications Radio waves and Broadcasting waves
Radio waves A kind of electromagnetic light energy with wavelengths anywhere from a few centimeters to several kilometers long. Radio waves can be used to carry signals to and from spacecraft and Earth.
Radio wavelengths radio waves are the longest out of all the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum The shortest radio waves are about 100 yards.
Frequencies *Radio frequencies represent a subsection of electromagnetic energy found on the energy spectrum. *Signal strength differentiates the different types of radio waves, and all radio waves fall between 1mm and 100km in distance, and 3 KHz to 300 GHz in frequency.
How Radio and light waves relate Both radio and light waves travel at the same speed 260,000 miles per second.
AM/FM radio AM- broadcasted with a single specific carrier frequency. *more range *1 MHz, 300 m wavelength FM - broadcasted with a specific amplitude. *better quality *100 MHz, 3 m wavelength
"About Radio Frequencies." eHow. N.p., 2011. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. Np <>. "AM/FM Radios ." Physics Forums. vBulletin , n.d. Web. 2 Mar. 2011. nod <>. "Glossary for 'Sign Here!' words ." Spaceplace. NASA, 17 June 2008. Web. 1 Mar. 2011. < sign_glossary.shtml#top>. "KidsCommo." Regimental Division,Office Chief of Signal. N.p., 31 Jan. 2008.Web. 1 Mar. 2011. < radowork.asp>. Zitzewitz, Paul W, comp. Physics Principles and Problems. 2002 ed. New York: Glencoe, 2002. Print.