Chapter 11: Oxygen, Aqueous Solutions, Acid-Base Character of Oxides
Structure and Bonding of Oxides
Structure and Bonding of Oxides Metal Oxides vs. Nonmetal Oxides MgO CO2
Structure and Bonding of Oxides Trends within the Nonmetal Oxides: CO2, SO2, SiO2
Acid-Base Properties of Oxides
Acid-Base Properties of Oxides Reactions of Metal Oxides with Water: Na(s) + H2O(ℓ) Mg(s) + H2O(ℓ)
Acid-Base Properties of Oxides Reactions of Metal Oxides with Water:
Acid-Base Properties of Oxides Reactions of Nonmetal Oxides with Water: SO3(g) + H2O(ℓ) CO2(g) + H2O(ℓ)
Acid-Base Properties of Oxides
Acid-Base Properties of Oxides
Na-O-H Cl-O-H Acid-Base Properties of Oxides Acid-Base Nature of the E-O-H unit. Na-O-H Cl-O-H
Acid-Base Properties of Oxides The special case of B(OH)3