Delta Company METL Assessment
Overall Assessment Last Year This Year Academic Proficient Needs Practice Military Trained Moral-Ethical Physical Fitness
Academic Assessment Needs Practice Strengths Weaknesses Surpassed Corps GPA Average Aligning Academic schedules with guard Weaknesses Assisting cadet’s with Academic deficiencies
Academic Assessment Cum GPA last year Cum GPA this year – Fall 17 only Class Absences last year E/U=T Class Absences this year Number Academically Deficient last year Number Academically Deficient this year 1C 3.07 3.50 86/6=92 27/7=34 2C 3.02 2.93 83/21=104 21/9=30 3C 2.90 94/23=117 12/11=23 1 2 4C 2.94 2.88 58/12=70 10/14=14 Total 3.01 3.05 321/62=383 70/31=101 3
Academic Pillar Strategy Compile list of cadet’s that are yellow and red and CAS and work on a strategy for the semester Academic’s Company Tutor by Major (especially 4th class cadets) Task Academic Officer to give weekly updates on test scores, class absences, and counsel “borderline” cadets
Military Assessment Needs Practice Strengths Weaknesses Parade: 6 Top 10’s, 3 Top 5’s, Placed 1st in one parade Accountability formation’s Weaknesses Personal Appearance Military bearing in ranks Rifle Manuel
Military Assessment 10 Avg parade results last year Avg parade results this year Class I Offenses last year Class I Offenses this year Suitability Boards last year Suitability Boards this year 1C 3 2C 1 3C 2 4C Total 15 10 9
Military Pillar Strategy Check order’s for athletes before accountability Enable Platoon Leadership to enforce standards via weekly staff meeting’s Ensure Drill Master is vocal during Parade Practice Give your Company the “Why” for drill and ceremonies on a weekly basis
Moral-Ethical Assessment Trained Strengths Command Climate Knowledgeable honor reps Weaknesses Utilizing HA during Challenge Week Continue to emphasize cadet familiarity with the honor system and manual.
Moral-Ethical Assessment Number of honor accusations this year Number of honor accusations last year Number of “in violation” honor findings last year Number of “in violation” honor findings this year Number of sexual harassment/ assault incident reports last year assault incident reports this year 1C 1 2C 3C 4C Total 2
Moral-Ethical Pillar Strategy More emphasis on LTP’s regarding honor Verify that all in’s are conducted by division inspectors Holding others accountable
Physical Effectiveness Assessment Needs Practice Strengths High participation in Intramural Athletics No PT failure’s 1st semester Weaknesses Not much variation in morning PT Accountability with Athlete’s
Physical Effectiveness Assessment CPFT avg last year CPFT avg this year Number of CPFT failures last year Number of CPFT failures this year Number of H & W failures last year Number of H & W failures this year 1C 203 204 1 2 2C 229 248.1 3C 227 229.5 4C 236.2 Total 221 229.4
Physical Effectiveness Pillar Strategy Incorporate Platoon leadership to work with physically deficient cadet’s Excel Spreadsheet of Intramural’s for the week, location, and time being conducted Ability groups for morning PT
Company Commander Comments Come on as strong as you can be at the beginning, set Expectations and hold them to the standards of the College Regulations. It is easier to come on strong and relax periodically than to come in relaxed and then become stern. Continue to have high participation in Intramurals and Athletics A lot of potential in the rising Sophomore class Hold your classmate’s accountable, they are going to test you early on