Chapter 26 - Case Study: Active Server Pages and XML Outline 26.1 Introduction 26.2 Setup and Message Forum Documents 26.3 Forum Navigation 26.4 Adding Forums 26.5 Forum XML Documents 26.6 Posting Messages 26.7 Other Documents 26.8 Internet and World Wide Web Resources
26.2 Setup and Message Forum Documents
26.3 Forum Navigation Fig. 26.2 Key interactions between message forum documents.
XML document that contains the information for forum ASP. 1 <?xml version = "1.0"?> 2 3 <!-- Fig. 26.3 : forums.xml --> 4 <!-- Creating the ASP forum --> 5 6 <forums> 7 8 <forum filename = "forumASP.xml">ASP</forum> 9 10 </forums> Forums.xml Name of forum. XML document that contains the information for forum ASP.
Link to CSS style sheet style.css. 1 <% @LANGUAGE = "VBScript" %> 2 3 <% ' Fig. 26.4 : default.asp 4 ' Forum home page 5 Option Explicit 6 %> 7 8 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 9 ""> 10 11 <html xmlns = ""> 12 13 <head> 14 <title>Deitel Message Forums</title> 15 <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" 16 href = "style.css" /> 17 </head> 18 19 <body> 20 <h1>Deitel Message Forums</h1> 21 <p><strong>Available Forums</strong></p> 22 <ul> 23 <% 24 Dim xmlFile, xmlNodes, xmlItem 25 Dim strPath, strTitle, strFileName 26 27 strPath = Server.MapPath( "forums.xml" ) 28 29 Set xmlFile = Server.CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ) 30 xmlFile.Async = False 31 32 If Not xmlFile.Load( strPath ) Then 33 Call Server.Transfer( "invalid.html" ) 34 End If 35 Default.asp Link to CSS style sheet style.css. Setting Async to False causes the object referenced by xmlFile to behave synchronously. Instantiate an XML DOM object. Method Load parses the XML document forums.xml. If the parsing fails, the browser is redirected to invalid.html.
Property DocumentElement gets the root element’s child nodes. 36 Set xmlNodes = xmlFile.DocumentElement.ChildNodes 37 38 For Each xmlItem In xmlNodes 39 strFileName = xmlItem.getAttribute( "filename" ) 40 strTitle = xmlItem.text 41 %> 42 <li> 43 <a href = "<% =strFileName %>"><% =strTitle %></a> 44 </li> 45 <% 46 Next 47 %> 48 </ul> 49 50 <p><strong>Forum Management</strong></p> 51 52 <ul> 53 <li><a href = "addForum.asp">Add a Forum</a></li> 54 <li>Delete a Forum</li> 55 </ul> 56 57 </body> 58 59 </html> Property DocumentElement gets the root element’s child nodes. Property ChildNodes returns a collection of the element node’s child nodes. Default.asp Method getAttribute gets a forum’s filename. The anchor element creates a link to the available forums. This anchor element links to the ASP document addForum.asp that allows the user to create a new forum.
Program Output
The stylesheet processing instruction references formatting.xsl. 1 <?xml version = "1.0"?> 2 3 <!-- Fig. 26.5 : template.xml --> 4 <!-- Template XML document --> 5 6 <?xml:stylesheet type = "text/xsl" href = "formatting.xsl"?> 7 8 <forum> 9 </forum> Template.xml The stylesheet processing instruction references formatting.xsl.
Check to see if a value was enetered in each of the form fields. 1 <% @LANGUAGE = "VBScript" %> 2 <% Option Explicit %> 3 4 <% ' Fig. 26.6 : addForum.asp %> 5 6 <% 7 Dim xmlFile, xmlRoot, xmlNode 8 Dim strTitle, strError, strPath 9 10 If Request( "submit" ) <> Empty Then 11 12 If Request( "name" ) <> Empty And _ 13 Request( "filename" ) <> Empty And _ 14 Request( "user" ) <> Empty And _ 15 Request( "title" ) <> Empty And _ 16 Request( "text" ) <> Empty Then 17 18 ' Create a new XML file 19 strPath = Server.MapPath( Request( "filename" ) ) 20 21 Set xmlFile = Server.CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ) 22 xmlFile.Async = False 23 24 If xmlFile.Load( strPath ) Then 25 Call Server.Transfer( "invalid.html" ) 26 End If 27 28 ' set up the file 29 Call xmlFile.Load( Server.MapPath( "template.xml" ) ) 30 31 ' get the root element 32 Set xmlRoot = xmlFile.DocumentElement 33 Test to see if the form was submitted by testing the form’s Submit field for a value. Check to see if a value was enetered in each of the form fields. AddForum.asp Method Load loads the template XML document.
Calling method Save saves the XML document to disk. 34 ' set the filename 35 Call xmlRoot.SetAttribute( "filename", _ 36 Request( "filename" ) ) 37 38 ' create Name node 39 Set xmlNode = xmlFile.CreateElement( "name" ) 40 xmlNode.Text = Request( "name" ) 41 Call xmlRoot.AppendChild( xmlNode ) 42 43 ' create first message 44 Set xmlNode = xmlFile.CreateElement( "message" ) 45 Call xmlNode.SetAttribute( "timestamp", Now & " EST" ) 46 Call xmlRoot.AppendChild( xmlNode ) 47 48 Set xmlRoot = xmlNode 49 50 ' create user node 51 Set xmlNode = xmlFile.CreateElement( "user" ) 52 xmlNode.Text = Request( "user" ) 53 Call xmlRoot.AppendChild( xmlNode ) 54 55 ' create title node 56 Set xmlNode = xmlFile.CreateElement( "title" ) 57 xmlNode.Text = Request( "title" ) 58 Call xmlRoot.AppendChild( xmlNode ) 59 60 ' create text node 61 Set xmlNode = xmlFile.CreateElement( "text" ) 62 xmlNode.Text = Request( "text" ) 63 Call xmlRoot.AppendChild( xmlNode ) 64 65 Call xmlFile.Save( strPath ) ' save the file 66 67 ' load XML file 68 strPath = Server.MapPath( "forums.xml" ) Method setAttribute creates an attribute node named filename that has the value contained in form field filename. AddForum.asp Method AppendChild appends the newly created element name node to the root element. Calling method Save saves the XML document to disk.
Open XML document forums.xml. 69 70 Set xmlFile = Server.CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ) 71 xmlFile.Async = False 72 73 If Not xmlFile.Load( strPath ) Then 74 Call Server.Transfer( "invalid.html" ) 75 End If 76 77 ' get the root node 78 Set xmlRoot = xmlFile.DocumentElement 79 80 ' create nodes 81 Set xmlNode = xmlFile.CreateElement( "forum" ) 82 Call xmlNode.SetAttribute( "filename", _ 83 Request( "filename" ) ) 84 xmlNode.Text = Request( "name" ) 85 Call xmlRoot.AppendChild( xmlNode ) 86 87 Call xmlFile.Save( strPath ) ' save the file 88 89 ' finished processing 90 Call Server.Transfer( "default.asp" ) 91 Else 92 strError = "ERROR: Invalid input." 93 End If 94 95 End If 96 %> 97 98 <!DOCTYPE html 99 PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 100 ""> 101 AddForum.asp Open XML document forums.xml. Modify forums.xml. Save forums.xml with its new contents to disk.
102 <html xmlns = ""> 103 <head> 104 <title>Add a Forum</title> 105 <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css" /> 106 </head> 107 108 <body> 109 <p>Create a Forum</p> 110 <p><% =strError %></p> 111 112 <form method = "post" action = "addForum.asp"> 113 114 <h2> 115 Forum Name:<br /> 116 <input type = "text" size = "40" name = "name" 117 value = "<% =Request( "name" ) %>" /> 118 </h2> 119 120 <h2> 121 Forum File Name:<br /> 122 <input type = "text" size = "40" name = "filename" 123 value = "<% =Request( "filename" ) %>" /> 124 </h2> 125 126 <h2> 127 User:<br /> 128 <input type = "text" size = "40" name = "user" 129 value = "<% =Request( "user" ) %>" /> 130 </h2> 131 132 <h2> 133 Message Title:<br /> 134 <input type = "text" size = "40" name = "title" 135 value = "<% =Request( "title" ) %>" /> 136 </h2> This XHTML form allows a user to input the name, filename, a user name, a message title and the message text to create a new forum. AddForum.asp
The Clear button will delete all values in the form fields. 137 138 <h2> 139 Message Text:<br /> 140 <textarea name = "text" cols = "40" 141 rows = "4"><% =Request( "text" ) %></textarea> 142 </h2> 143 144 <h2> 145 <input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Submit" /> 146 <input type = "reset" value = "Clear" /> 147 </h2> 148 149 </form> 150 151 <p> 152 <a href = "default.asp">Return to Main Page</a> 153 </p> 154 155 </body> 156 157 </html> AddForum.asp The Submit button submits the form and the values input in the form fields. The Clear button will delete all values in the form fields.
Program Output
Name of forum. ForumASP.xml 1 <?xml version = "1.0"?> 2 3 <!-- Fig. 26.7 : forumASP.xml --> 4 <!-- Postings on ASP forum --> 5 6 <?xml:stylesheet type = "text/xsl" href = "formatting.xsl"?> 7 8 <forum filename = "forumASP.xml"> 9 10 <name>ASP Forum</name> 11 12 <message timestamp = "4/28/2001 2:50:34 PM EST"> 13 <user>D. Bug</user> 14 <title>I Love ASP!</title> 15 <text>Everyone should use ASP.</text> 16 </message> 17 18 <message timestamp = "5/8/2001 11:09:54 AM EST"> 19 <user>Ms. Quito</user> 20 <title>ASP and XML</title> 21 <text>What a powerful combination. Try it!</text> 22 </message> 23 24 <message timestamp = "5/15/2001 4:39:50 PM EST"> 25 <user>Sarge Ant</user> 26 <title>ASP</title> 27 <text>This <em>army ant</em> uses ASP in boot camp.</text> 28 </message> 29 30 </forum> Name of forum. ForumASP.xml Each message element and its children contain the information for a post.
Element xsl:stylesheet is the XSLT document’s root element 1 <?xml version = "1.0"?> 2 3 <!-- Fig. 26.8 : formatting.xsl --> 4 <!-- XSL document that transforms XML data to XHTML --> 5 6 <xsl:stylesheet version = "1.0" 7 xmlns:xsl = ""> 8 9 <xsl:output method = "html" omit-xml-declaration = "no" 10 doctype-system = 11 "" 12 doctype-public = "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" /> 13 14 <xsl:template match = "/"> 15 16 <html xmlns = ""> 17 <xsl:apply-templates select = "*" /> 18 </html> 19 20 </xsl:template> 21 22 <xsl:template match = "forum"> 23 24 <head> 25 <title><xsl:value-of select = "name"/></title> 26 <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" 27 href = "style.css" /> 28 </head> 29 Attribute version specifies the XSLT version to which this style sheet conforms. Element xsl:stylesheet is the XSLT document’s root element Attribute omit-xml-declaration is assigned no, which results in an XML declaration in the result tree. The xsl:output element specifies how the result tree is output. The attribute xmlns creates a namespace prefix xsl. Formatting.xsl Attribute method is assigned xml, which specifies that an XML document is being output. This template that matches the XML document root (/). The asterisk selects element nodes. Link to the CSS style sheet style.css.
Get value of name element. 30 <body> 31 32 <table width = "100%" cellspacing = "0" 33 cellpadding = "2"> 34 <tr> 35 <td class = "forumTitle"> 36 <xsl:value-of select = "name" /> 37 </td> 38 </tr> 39 </table> 40 41 <table width = "100%" cellspacing = "0" 42 cellpadding = "2"> 43 <xsl:apply-templates 44 select = "message" /> 45 </table> 46 47 <p> 48 <a> 49 <xsl:attribute 50 name = "href">addPost.asp?file=<xsl:value-of 51 select = "@filename" /> 52 </xsl:attribute> 53 Post a Message</a><br /> 54 <a href = "default.asp">Return to Main Page</a> 55 </p> 56 57 </body> 58 59 </xsl:template> 60 61 <xsl:template match = "message"> 62 Formatting.xsl Get value of name element. Get the value of attribute filename. Apply message template. Begin template message.
Get value of user element. Get value of attribute timestamp. 64 <td class = "msgTitle"> 65 <xsl:value-of select = "title" /> 66 </td> 67 </tr> 68 69 <tr> 70 <td class = "msgInfo"> 71 by 72 <em><xsl:value-of select = "user" /></em> 73 at 74 <span class = "date"> 75 <xsl:value-of select = "@timestamp" /> 76 </span> 77 </td> 78 </tr> 79 80 <tr> 81 <td class = "msgText"> 82 <xsl:value-of select = "text" /> 83 </td> 84 </tr> 85 86 87 </xsl:template> 88 89 </xsl:stylesheet> Formatting.xsl Get value of user element. Get value of attribute timestamp. Get value of text element.
ForumASP_transformed.html Forum title. Message title. 1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 2 ""> 3 4 <!-- Fig. 26.9 : forumASP_transformed.html --> 5 <!-- Results of transforming forumASP.xml --> 6 7 <html xmlns = ""> 8 9 <head> 10 <title>ASP Forum</title> 11 <link href = "site.css" type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" /> 12 </head> 13 14 <body> 15 <table cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%"> 16 <tr> 17 <td class = "forumTitle">ASP Forum</td> 18 </tr> 19 </table> 20 21 <table cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%"> 22 <tr> 23 <td class = "msgTitle">I Love ASP!</td> 24 </tr> 25 <tr> 26 <td class = "msgInfo"> 27 by 28 <em>D. Bug</em> 29 at 30 <span class = "date">4/28/2001 2:50:34 PM EST</span></td> 31 </tr> 32 <tr> ForumASP_transformed.html Forum title. Message title. Time and date posted. Message author.
ForumASP_transformed.html Time and date posted. Message author. 33 <td class = "msgText">Everyone should use ASP.</td> 34 </tr> 35 <tr> 36 <td class = "msgTitle">ASP and XML</td> 37 </tr> 38 <tr> 39 <td class = "msgInfo"> 40 by 41 <em>Ms. Quito</em> 42 at 43 <span class = "date">5/8/2001 11:09:54 AM EST</span></td> 44 </tr> 45 <tr> 46 <td class = "msgText"> 47 What a powerful combination. Try it!</td> 48 </tr> 49 <tr> 50 <td class = "msgTitle">ASP</td> 51 </tr> 52 <tr> 53 <td class = "msgInfo"> 54 by 55 <em>Sarge Ant</em> 56 at 57 <span class = "date">5/15/2001 4:39:50 PM EST</span></td> 58 </tr> 59 <tr> 60 <td class = "msgText"> 61 This army ant uses ASP in boot camp.</td> 62 </tr> 63 </table> 64 Message text. Time and date posted. ForumASP_transformed.html Message title. Message author. Message text. Message title. Time and date posted. Message author. Message text.
ForumASP_transformed.html Program Output 66 <a href = "addPost.asp?file=forumASP.xml">Post a Message</a> 67 <br> 68 <a href = "default.asp">Return to Main Page</a> 69 </p> 70 71 </body> 72 73 </html> Link to add a new post. ForumASP_transformed.html Program Output
Check to see if a value was enetered in each of the form fields. 1 <% @LANGUAGE = "VBScript" %> 2 3 <% ' Fig. 26.10 : addPost.asp 4 ' ASP document for posting a message 5 6 Option Explicit 7 8 Dim xmlFile, xmlRoot, xmlNode 9 Dim strTitle, strError, strPath 10 11 If Request( "submit" ) <> Empty Then 12 13 If Request( "file" ) <> Empty And _ 14 Request( "userName" ) <> Empty And _ 15 Request( "messageTitle" ) <> Empty And _ 16 Request( "messageText" ) <> Empty Then 17 18 strPath = Server.MapPath( Request( "file" ) ) 19 20 Set xmlFile = Server.CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ) 21 xmlFile.Async = False 22 23 If Not xmlFile.Load( strPath ) Then 24 Call Server.Transfer( "invalid.html" ) 25 End If 26 27 ' get the root node 28 Set xmlRoot = xmlFile.DocumentElement 29 30 ' create first message 31 Set xmlNode = xmlFile.CreateElement( "message" ) 32 Call xmlNode.SetAttribute( "timestamp", Now & " EST" ) 33 Call xmlRoot.AppendChild( xmlNode ) 34 35 Set xmlRoot = xmlNode Check to see if a value was enetered in each of the form fields. Test to see if the form was submitted by testing the form’s Submit field for a value. AddPost.asp Method Load loads the forum XML document. Create a message node. Create a timeStamp attribute for the message node.
Create the children of the message node: user, title and text. 36 37 ' create user node 38 Call CreateElementNode( "user", "userName", xmlNode ) 39 40 ' create title node 41 Call CreateElementNode( "title", "messageTitle", xmlNode ) 42 43 ' create text node 44 Call CreateElementNode( "text", "messageText", xmlNode ) 45 46 Call xmlFile.Save( strPath ) ' save the file 47 48 ' finished processing 49 Call Server.Transfer( Request( "file" ) ) 50 Else 51 strError = "ERROR: Invalid input." 52 End If 53 54 End If 55 56 ' procedure that creates an element node 57 Sub CreateElementNode( elementName, formElement, node ) 58 Set xmlNode = xmlFile.CreateElement( elementName ) 59 xmlNode.Text = Request( formElement ) 60 Call xmlRoot.AppendChild( xmlNode ) 61 End Sub 62 %> 63 64 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 65 ""> 66 Create the children of the message node: user, title and text. AddPost.asp
67 <html xmlns = ""> 68 <head> 69 <title>Post a Message</title> 70 <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" 71 href = "style.css" /> 72 </head> 73 74 <body> 75 <p><% =strError %></p> 76 77 <form method = "post" action = "addPost.asp"> 78 <p> 79 User:<br /> 80 <input type = "text" size = "40" name = "userName" 81 value = "<% =Request( "userName" ) %>" /> 82 </p> 83 84 <p> 85 Message Title:<br /> 86 <input type = "text" size = "40" name = "messageTitle" 87 value = "<% =Request( "messageTitle" ) %>" /> 88 </p> 89 90 <p> 91 Message Text:<br /> 92 <textarea name = "messageText" cols = "40" 93 rows = "4"><% =Request( "messageText" ) %> 94 </textarea> 95 </p> 96 97 <p> 98 <input type = "hidden" name = "file" 99 value = "<% =Request( "file" ) %>"/> 100 <input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Submit" /> AddPost.asp This form allows the user to create a post by entering the values into the form fields.
AddPost.asp Program Output 101 <input type = "reset" value = "Clear" /> 102 </p> 103 </form> 104 105 <p> 106 <a href = "<% =Request( "file" ) %>">Return to Forum</a> 107 </p> 108 </body> 109 110 </html> AddPost.asp Program Output
26.6 Posting Messages Fig. 26.11 New forum on the message board.
26.6 Posting Messages Fig. 26.12 Initial content of the newly added forum.
26.7 Other Documents Fig. 26.13 Contents of the Internet and World Wide Web: 2nd Edition.
Link that references CSS style sheet site.css. 1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 2 ""> 3 4 <!-- Fig. 26.14 : invalid.html --> 5 <!-- XHTML document for displaying errors --> 6 7 <html xmlns = ""> 8 9 <head> 10 <title>Deitel Book Organization</title> 11 <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" 12 href = "site.css" /> 13 </head> 14 15 <body> 16 <h1>Invalid Request.</h1> 17 18 <p><a href = "default.asp">Return to Main Page</a></p> 19 </body> 20 21 </html> Invalid.html Link that references CSS style sheet site.css.
Define styles for the body element. 1 /* Fig. 26.15 : site.css */ 2 /* Stylesheet for XHTML documents */ 3 4 body 5 { 6 background: white; 7 color: black; 8 font-family: Arial, sans-serif; 9 font-size: 10pt; 10 } 11 12 a 13 { 14 background: transparent; 15 color: blue; 16 text-decoration: none; 17 } 18 19 a:hover 20 { 21 text-decoration: underline; 22 } 23 24 table 25 { 26 border-width: 1px; 27 border-style: solid; 28 } 29 30 .forumTitle 31 { 32 background: lime; 33 color: black; 34 font-size: 12pt; 35 font-weight: bold; Site.css Define styles for the body element. Define styles for the anchor element. Define styles for the table element.
Site.css 36 text-align: center; 37 } 38 39 .msgTitle 40 { 37 } 38 39 .msgTitle 40 { 41 background: silver; 42 color: black; 43 font-size: 10pt; 44 font-weight: bold; 45 } 46 47 .msgInfo 48 { 49 background: silver; 50 color: black; 51 font-size: 10pt; 52 } 53 54 .msgPost 55 { 56 background: silver; 57 color: black; 58 font-size: 8pt; 59 } 60 61 .msgText 62 { 63 font-size: 10pt; 64 padding-left: 10px; 65 } 66 67 .date 68 { 69 font-size: 8pt; 70 } Site.css
Define styles for the h1 element. 1 /* Fig. 26.16 : style.css */ 2 /* Stylesheet for forums */ 3 4 h1 5 { 6 color: #330099; 7 letter-spacing: 2px; 8 font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 9 background-color: transparent; 10 } 11 12 h2 13 { 14 color: #6633FF; 15 font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 16 font-size: small; 17 background-color: transparent; 18 } 19 20 p 21 { 22 font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 23 color: #336666; 24 letter-spacing: 1px; 25 font-size: larger; 26 font-weight: bold; 27 background-color: transparent; 28 } 29 30 body 31 { 32 background-image: url(bug2.gif); 33 background-repeat: no-repeat; 34 margin-top: 5%; 35 background-position: 25%; Style.css Define styles for the h1 element. Define styles for the h2 element. Define styles for the p element. Define styles for the body element.
Define styles for the li element. 36 margin-left: 10%; 37 } 38 39 li 40 { 41 font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; 42 font-weight: bolder; 43 list-style-type: circle; 44 color: #3333FF; 45 background-color: transparent; 46 } 47 48 input 49 { 50 background-color: transparent; 51 color: #336666; 52 font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 53 } 54 55 textarea 56 { 57 background-color: transparent; 58 color: #336666; 59 font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 60 } 61 62 .forumTitle 63 { 64 color: #FFFFCC; 65 font-size: 14pt; 66 font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 67 text-align: center; 68 background-color: #6666CC; 69 } 70 Style.css Define styles for the li element. Define styles for the input element. Define styles for the textarea element.
Style.css 71 .msgTitle 72 { 73 background: #FFFFCC; 74 color: black; 72 { 73 background: #FFFFCC; 74 color: black; 75 font-size: 10pt; 76 font-weight: bold; 77 } 78 79 .msgInfo 80 { 81 background: #FFFFCC; 82 color: black; 83 font-size: 10pt; 84 } 85 86 .msgPost 87 { 88 background: silver; 89 color: black; 90 font-size: 8pt; 91 } 92 93 .msgText 94 { 95 font-size: 10pt; 96 padding-left: 10px; 97 } 98 99 .date 100 { 101 font-size: 8pt; 102 } Style.css