Propaganda, Stalin and Hitler
Propaganda information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
List the political cause or idea that is being promoted 1. “Dig for Victory” 2. “Are You?” 3. “We Can Do It” 4. “Go Ahead”
Analyzing Propaganda Words/Phrasing: (Obvious tell), emphasis, wording Character: Connotations, facial Expression, details Topic: Purpose and Importance
Rise of Joseph Stalin Questions Write down your first impressions of Stalin. List the ways Stalin was responsible for the deaths of his citizens What did Stalin do to change the Soviet Union into a more industrialized nation? Who was worse, Hitler or Stalin? Why do you think Hitler has a worse reputation than Stalin?
Hitler Video Videos about Hitler are tough: usually too pro-Nazi or anti-Nazi Hard to be fair/neutral History Channel Documentary/British Influence Goals/Bias?