Search Sources of Ultrahigh Energy Particles in our Galaxy. V. A


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Presentation transcript:

Search Sources of Ultrahigh Energy Particles in our Galaxy. V. A Search Sources of Ultrahigh Energy Particles in our Galaxy V.A. Kolosov, A.A. Mikhailov Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy, 31 Lenin Ave., 677980 Yakutsk, Russia,

Yakutsk array from 1974 continue to operate, now S~10 km2   Yakutsk array from 1974 continue to operate, now S~10 km2 20 Y, KM. 2,5   X, KM. C геог. 36.4170 Ю 22 51 23 48 57 47 52 19 11 39 46 10 4 1 56 44 37 9 15 58 21 42 53 24 49 50 12 40 6 14 2 59 55 25 13 3 38 45 7 43 8 54 41 5 84 85 83 87 82 81 89 88 86 18 17 16 – мастерная станция с черенковским детектором. – мастерная станция. – станция сгущения, входящая в малую черенковскую установку. – мюонный детектор, S = 20 м2. – мюонный детектор, S = 36 м2. – большой мюонный детектор, S = 186 м2. 1 км БМД 36

We consider EAS with usual and deficit muons at E>5 We consider EAS with usual and deficit muons at E>5.1018 eV by Yakutsk data, accuracy angles - 5-7, threshold of muon detectors register E>1/cos GeV. We consider EAS with E>4.1019 eV by P. Auger, HiRes, AGASA data also.

Observed (circles) and expected (curves) density (r) electron-photon and moon components in depends from distances of axis EAS, E>1 GeV.

21 EAS without  - , 5 EAS with poor  - o

Distribution particles in RA: a) 5. 1018 – 1019 eV, b) 1019 – 4 Distribution particles in RA: a) 5.1018 – 1019 eV, b) 1019 – 4.1019 eV, c) >4.1019 eV

Amplitudes A1 and phase’s RA1 of the 1-st harmonic are shown: at E~1019 eV - A1=15.24.8%, RA=0. Probability - P~0.006. N=898.

Observed (circles) and expected (dotted curve) number of particles < from pulsars: a) – all sphere, b) halo,c) anticenter, d) from side of Local Arm Orion, <45, at <6 - P~2.10-4 (ECRC, 1998).  

EAS without   and pulsars  (R. Manchester et al EAS without   and pulsars  (R. Manchester et al.,2006), R<6, ~ 80% EAS correlate with pulsars

Yakutsk, E>4.1019 eV, EAS <45o from side Orion arm (R<6, ▲ ~ 85% EAS - arm, outside - 43% correlate )

Ratio number of pulsars with period P - n(P0<P)/n(P>P0) at R<6o: 1 – P. Auger; 2- AGASA; 3 – HiReS; 4 - Yakutsk (=0); 5 - Yakutsk (usual ); P – pulsars. M. Giler, P. Blasi, A.Olinto – E~1/P2

Portion pulsars with periods P0 <0. 01 sec Portion pulsars with periods P0 <0.01 sec. N=n(<P0)/( n(P)- n(<P0)), : 1 –PAO, 2 – HiRes, 3 – AGASA, 4 – Yak.1(usual), 5 - Yak.2.(=0). Dash line – catalogue of pulsars

Distribution correlated pulsars: 1 – PAO, 2 – HiRes, 3 – AGASA, 4 – “Yak. 1 (=0), 5 – “Yak. 2 (usual ).

Distribution pulsars by distances (catalogue)

Distribution pulsars by distances, PAO

Yakutsk, E>4. 1019 eV, 34 EAS: 1974-1985, 4 EAS- P~0 Yakutsk, E>4.1019 eV, 34 EAS: 1974-1985, 4 EAS- P~0.1, 1986-2007, 5 EAS-P~0.03 (ICRC, 2007, Mexico).

AGASA, E>4. 1019 eV- 58 EAS: 1984-1994, 13 EAS– P~ 0 AGASA, E>4.1019 eV- 58 EAS: 1984-1994, 13 EAS– P~ 0.001, 1995-2001, 12 EAS – P~0.001 (ICRC, 2007, Mexico).

P. AUGER, E>5. 7×1019 eV - 27 EAS: 2004-2005, 3 EAS– P~ 0 P.AUGER, E>5.7×1019 eV - 27 EAS: 2004-2005, 3 EAS– P~ 0.001, 2006-2007, 4 EAS – P~0.006 (ICRC, 2007, Mexico).

P.Auger:  - EAS, which correlate and uncorrelated with pulsars, ,  EAS which correlated pulsars with periods: 0.01<P<0.1 - n=2; 0.001<P<0.01 - n=12;. Max: P(12,69)<10-4 . PSR 1332-3032, 1308-4650, 1355-5153, 1405-5641, 1308-5844, 1314-6101

Table 1. Correlation EAS with pulsars from side Orion arm Table 1. Correlation EAS with pulsars from side Orion arm. Number of EAS N1 and number of particles N2 inside <45 Orion arm, P - probability Array, E, eV , deg. N1 N2 P P. Auger, >4.1019 3 69 6 4.10-2 Yakutsk, (0.8-4)1019 898 265 10-3 140 3.10-2

Distribution pulsars which have 10 particles (Yakutsk, E~1019 eV) with E=(0.8-4)1019 eV at radius <6 (circles), P<10-4 .

  Conclusion It is found some correlation arrival directions EAS with pulsars short periods by world data, maximum EAS from side a galactic plane by Yakutsk and Auger data. Most likely, cosmic rays are galactic. No extragalactic cosmic rays.