BALKANSERVICE LTD. Location BALKANSERVICE LTD. is a company situated in North-East Bulgaria on the territory of Rouse Industrial Estate near the town of Rouse. All premises and assets of the company are placed on the south river bank of Danube which is the natural border line between Romania and Bulgaria. The strategic position of the company and its warehouses on the main transportation road for goods from Asia to Europe makes it economically attractive at once.
BALKANSERVICE LTD. Facts Balkanservice LTD is dynamically developing company on both Bulgarian and European Market specialized in production of fire and high-temperature resistant ceramic products. The company was founded in 1998 in mutual Italian-Bulgarian business partnership for production of high-temperature resistant ceramics using the casting slip mould technology. The aim was to supply the products described below mainly to the European market: - outer and inner encasing fire resistant ceramic sets for multi-fuel stoves and fire places; - fire outlet/chimney systems with ceramic pipes
BALKANSERVICE LTD. Production The production method allows for completing a complicated in dimension and type products in large and small ranges since there is no need of expensive machinary equipment and tools. The ingredients and materials used in the production are mainly imported from United Kingdom, France, Italy, Ukraine and other countries which is base and also gives warranty for achieveing high quality of our products.
BALKANSERVICE LTD. Products Balkanservice products find great variety of application: - inner encasings (bricks) for stoves and fire places; - outer encasings (glazed tiles) for stoves and fire places; - electro ceramics (insolators, supports, plates, muffles etc.); - steelfoundering (pots, feeders, pipes etc.); - ceramics for interior and exterior fitting – barbecue type furnace, manually painted ceramic tables, flamish brick products etc;
Pots and cassettes from cordierite Pots, feeders and pipes
BALKANSERVICE LTD. Insolators, supports, muffles and plates
BALKANSERVICE LTD. Electroceramics
Furnace type barbecue
BALKANSERVICE LTD. Coloured ceramic boards
BALKANSERVICE LTD. Slip cast products characteristic In accordance with the technical requirements to the products they could be made of multicurund, cordierite and shamotte.
BALKANSERVICE LTD. Contacts 100 Tutrakan Blvd. P.O.Box 41 Rouse 7005, Bulgaria Tel. (+359) Fax (+359) Mobile