Conclusions and Next Steps Item 9 Chair’s summary: Conclusions and Next Steps The 3rd Meeting of the Group of National Experts on the Education of Migrants, Paris , 26-27 October 2009
Conclusions (1) The Group: Adopted the agenda [EDU/EDPC/MI/A(2009)3/REV2 Adopted the summary record [EDU/EDPC/MI/M(2008)2 Noted Update by the Secretariat and Chair of the ad hoc meeting on the outputs: Country background reports (CBRs) on website Country notes (CNs): Norway published; others to be published by 2009 Handbook for policy makers (title to be revisited) to be published by 2009 2 Ad hoc meetings Noted: CERI’s work on Teacher Education for Diversity DELSA’s work on Jobs for Immigrants ETP’s work on Assessing Progress in Improving Equity European Commission’s Follow-up of the Green Paper Council of Europe’s Language of Schooling
Conclusions (2) Agreed that: The overall three-chapters structure will NOT be revised; The overall scope will NOT be revised (i.e. what education policy can do); but Adding contexts stressing the importance of universal measures and ways in which national policy can have an influence in classroom (e.g. governance, legislation, etc), possibly separate from chapter 1 as “introduction” Policy suggestions will consider the complex interactions and trade-offs of different policy interventions More discussion on both universal and targeted measures, paying special attention to the “heterogeneity” of immigrant students be reflected while without making migrant education as a separate track. An executive summary will be prepared as a short snapshot for ministers and high-level officials Due to the high political sensitivity, the policy suggestions are presented as ‘options’ rather than ‘recommendations’ The Secretariat will reflect further on the best title to describe the purpose of the book and will provide more information or source of information e.g. website address) for policy examples
Conclusions (3) Agreed that: Chapter 1 will be revised by: Adding brief overview of education systems/organisation of classes with a comparative perspective Clarifying the storylines behind statistical information; statistics alone cannot read easy Link better ‘policy implications’ from Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 and 3. Chapter 2 and 3 will be revised in light of your comments There will be no international conference to mark the closure of the project. Instead, there will be national seminars country by country for effective dissemination as well as part of the national implementation process.
Action Plan Next steps Countries Written comments to the Secretariat by 13 November Main policy messages to be presented at the EDPC on 25-26 November Revised draft to be put on OLIS by late November Final comments on EDG by early December To be published in December 2009 or January 2010