WG 2A Ecological Status First results of the metadata collection for the draft intercalibration register 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Overview of the metadata analysis 19 May: Questionnaire and ‘types manual’ distributed 11 July: Internet based data input system operational 15 August: Deadline for submission of information Expert Analysis based on information received before 22 August 11-12 and 18-19 September: expert meetings Last sites received last Saturday (11 October) 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Overview of process of metadata collection WWW interface JRC/EEWAI database (XML) Access, Excel 824 sites >900 sites 1010 sites (including ca. 200 corrections) 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Response to metadata enquiry 22 August: 539 sites from 10 countries --> basis for expert analysis 1 October: 810 sites from 17 countries 14 October: 824 sites from 18 countries in XML database No sites received from: Finland Denmark Luxemburg Hungary Slovakia Greece Italy Malta 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Intercalibration sites by country 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Intercalibation sites by category 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Artificial and heavily modified waters 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Intercalibration sites by common IC groups (lakes and rivers) 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Intercalibration sites by common IC groups (coastal/transitional) 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Number of sites by category and class boundary Category number of sites HG GM Total Coastal/Transitional 27 48 75 Lakes 130 126 256 Rivers 266 227 493 total 423 401 824 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
WFD compliant classification criteria? 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Criteria for selection of IC sites Different approaches have been used in different countries: sites are approximation of class boundaries (e.g. IE, SE, NO, FI, ES, PO, DE, AT) sites are first hypothesis on boundaries, applying REFCOND guidance (FR) sites represent a range of quality classes (UK) 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Criteria for selection of IC sites Experts were not able to evaluate comparability of selection criteria: metadata collection not complete can only be done when (comparable) biological data will become available 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
More detailed information will be presented separately for Rivers and Lakes 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03
Instructions how to view/add/modify/delete sites will be put on the Intercalibration reporting web page http://wfd-reporting.jrc.it/intercalibration.html 2nd meeting WG2A, 15-17/10/03