What was the main purpose for the creation of the EU? Recap: What was the main purpose for the creation of the EU? Can you identify another organization created for that same purpose, but on a “global” scale?
When was it established? United Nations. Why was it established? When was it established? How does it work? Is it successful?
Why was it established? WWI WWII
After The Great War what organization was created? Purpose? What were the Allies’ policies regarding Germany after WWI? League of Nations disarmament territorial losses – ignoring the right of “Self-Determination” enormous reparations; no economic aid How did this affect Germany? it helped cause inflation it caused resentment toward the allies disenchantment with the Weimar government ultimately Led to WWII They needed to create an organization that worked BETTER then the League of Nations.
United Nations
General Assembly to maintain international peace and security Goals? to act as mediator in international disputes to ensure there was never a WWIII Goals? Original Result? (1945) – 51 nations met to draft the charter and work together to avoid conflict (2011) – 192 nations are members Organization? Two main bodies: Security Council General Assembly
Security Council – designed to prevent “bloc” voting to five permanent members: All were “allies” during WWII U.S. France Soviet Union China Great Britain Today: Russian Federation each has power to veto - designed to prevent “bloc” voting to override action 10 temporary members elected by the General Assembly and changes every 2 years
General Assembly - Reading TASK How does a nation become a member? ALL MEMBERS OF THE UN any nation may join this assembly equal rights – “one vote” per nation major duty is to determine UN budget…how much should each member nation pay? as a group, they elect the Secretary General Currently Ban Ki-Moon (Mr. Ban) replaced Kofi Amin (1996-2006) they elect the judges for International Court of Justice How does a nation become a member? Sign and agree to follow the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” Reading TASK “Magna Carta of all Humanity”
How are major decisions make in the UN? They are put to a vote in the SECURITY COUNCIL How are major decisions make in the UN? What type of event might provoke them to meet and create a resolution for action? What’s needed to “Pass” a resolution? Security Council resolutions are passed by receiving “9” YES votes and no veto from any of the permanent members What happens if a country does not follow Security Council resolutions? First is diplomacy and pressure through international organizations. Second option “economic sanctions” Third – use force Has the Security Council ever used the 3rd option? Twice: Korean War Persian Gulf War
Additional Organizations in UN, ----- Economic & Social Council (specialized agencies): WHO (World Health Organization) UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization International Bank (World Bank) IMF (International Monetary Fund) ……many others Trusteeship Council (took over the old mandate system) International Court of Justice (located in the Hague, Netherlands)
What are “human rights”? As the world’s only truly universal global organization, the United Nations has become the foremost forum to address issues that transcend national boundaries and cannot be resolved by any one country acting alone. What are “human rights”? VIDEO – WHAT ARE “HUMAN RIGHTS”?
Today’s Class Objectives: Logon to your laptop and then LOWER THE SCREEN Today’s Class Objectives: Understand how the United Nations operates after reviewing a website, viewing a PPT and answering assigned questions.
Today’s Class Objectives: Oct. 1, 2013 Logon to your laptop and then LOWER THE SCREEN Today’s Class Objectives: Be able to identify the basic human rights of all world citizens by reading the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and answer questions. Describe the issue of human rights identified with the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s by reviewing a PPT 1st half of class: 2nd half of class:
UN Reading TASK: Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on this site listed above and answer the questions below. How many “human rights” are guaranteed, according to the document? According to the Universal Declaration, how should respect for human rights be promoted? Which two articles of the Declaration do you think are the most important? Give reasons for your answer. Should a nation’s record on human rights be the major factor in determining the United States’ relationship with that nation? Explain your answer Create another “sub page” on your UNIT I: Europe tab, and title it “United Nations” Answer the questions below on a “word” document; copy and past onto mini page. Please be sure to write the question along with your answers. Use the “Title w/paragraph” function to place on your page.