Main Aims: Tolerance and friendship, world peace The United Nations Main Aims: Tolerance and friendship, world peace
When did it begin? The United Nations is made up of 192 countries from around the world. It is often called the UN. It was set up in 1945, after the Second World War, as a way of bringing people together and to avoid further wars. Basically its version 2 of the League of Nations
What does the UN do? The UN aims to ensure that people don’t suffer from hunger and homelessness. Stops governments mistreating people Helps stop wars between countries
Why is it important to have an organisation that is bigger than any one country? Stops governments mistreating people Helps stop wars between countries
Main Strengths of the UN All members are required to donate $ to help the UN (supposed to make countries care more) Has its own army Major Countries such as the United States are heavily involved.
Major Weaknesses Almost never actually uses its army to enforce things The UN often allows the strongest countries to dictate (control) what happens in the UN The UN is afraid of using its powers to upset the major countries in the UN